Risk Management and Internal Control

As you work on a more global scale and expand your operations you will outsource, relocate and work with subsidiaries. This means you need to adapt the way that you evaluate performance, shareholder profitability and improve transparency.

We work in the following areas to help you manage risks and optimise your processes in this more complex environment:

We can provide the assistance to a proper Governance, and we can help develop your Audit and Internal Controls by:

  • Structuring activity
  • Providing operational audits and process optimisation
  • Providing specialised consultants
  • Drafting operational procedures
  • Evaluating internal audit function


We can improve risk management by:

  • Mapping risks
  • Processing risks
  • Brainstorming action plans


Internal controls have become the object of increasingly demanding legislation – from the US Sarbanes Oxley Act, to the 4th, 7th and 8th European Directives, Solvency II, Basel II, Financial Security Law, Reference Framework of the FMA, LOLF and Japanese Sox. Compliance with these regulations can often be overwhelming - but it is essential.

Would you like an insight into your business operations to minimise future risks? We can help by installing management and administration systems. We help you comply with these regulations through:

  • Training
  • Project management
  • Evaluating internal controls
  • Creating and implementing internal control frameworks
  • Establishing internal control report
  • Assisting with SAS 70 (Type I or II) reports etc

We can call on the local expertise of our global, integrated partnership at any time.
