E-RESIST: an e-learning platform to help you fight against illicit behavior

Forvis Mazars, as a member of the Corporate Responsibility and Anti-Corruption Commission of the International Chamber of Commerce, has participated in the development of the e-RESIST e-learning platform


The fight against corruption has become one of the priorities of the International Chamber of Commerce in recent years and is why ICC France has invested a lot of time in the development of the RESIST program.

E-Resist is a training tool that is aimed at all companies, regardless of their size. This project was born on the initiative of the International Chamber of Commerce and three international organizations: the United Nations Global Compact, the World Economic Forum (WEF) and Transparency International.

An e-learning version has been developed from 10 of the 20 RESIST scenarios. Thanks to its interactive and pedagogical approach, which includes different levels of action: animations, situations and exercises, e-RESIST will quickly become an effective training tool within your company. It will provide you with practical advice on how to prevent the risks of corruption and how to react to these risks. E-RESIST will help you sensitize their teams and deepen specific issues related to issues of extortion and corruption.

Accéder à e-RESIST Go to e-RESIST

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