International Cooperation
International Cooperation
Forvis Mazars, as organization with international presence, counts with a large experience and wide knowledge of international cooperation. We have carried our missions entrusted by European institutions, international bodies or governments, both of donor countries and recipients.
Our network, present in more than 100 countries, allows a high international coverage and direct knowledge of local realities and contexts.
Our working experience with the main cooperation actors and with private companies interested in improving their management and establishing efficient and fruitful CSR systems allows us to agree interests with the design of advantageous proposals.
Our services:
- Audit of accounts
- Audits of grants (projects, programmes, agreements)
- Evaluations (ex-ante, intermedia, final and impact)
- Grants’ Technical and Economic Review
- Audit/evaluation of the management of local partners
- Studies, baselines, projects’ monitoring system
- Strategic planning, benchmarking studies
- CSR design and evaluation, tenders’ design and management