UK Immigration update November 2023

The UK Government has announced some upcoming changes that will impact organisations with a mobile workforce.

New Immigration Health Surcharge Fees

The Immigration Health Charge will increase from £624 per year to £1,035 per year (from £470 to £776 for students, students’ dependents, those under Youth Mobility Scheme and children). The change will be in place on 16 January 2024.

To avoid the increase in fee applicants should look to submit their visa applications before the 16 January 2024.

Electronic Travel Authorisation

Certain foreign nationals require an Electronic Travel Authorisation before they enter the UK. The first phase of the new ETA programme was launched for Qatari nationals, with the ability to travel using the ETA’s from 15 November 2023.

On 22 February 2024, individuals from the following countries will require ETAs:

  • Saudi Arabia
  • Oman
  • Bahrain
  • Kuwait
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Jordan

This is a phased roll out and further updates will be provided over the course of 2024 in relation to which countries will be added to the programme.

Tier 4 (Student visa) Dependants

The Government has announced changes to the Student Visa, specifically to accompanying dependants.

Tier 4 visa holders are no longer able to bring dependants from January 2024.

Other Proposed Changes

Skilled Worker

Those entering the UK as skilled worker must meet the minimum salary threshold. The current minimum salary is £26,200. The Government is looking to increase the minimum salary to £30,000. This was proposed under reforming plans to reduce net migration.

Business Visa

The current visitor rules in relation to Intra-corporate activities state:

  1. An employee of an overseas based company may:
    1. advise and consult; and
    2. trouble-shoot; and
    3. provide training; and
    4. share skills and knowledge.
  2. On a specific internal project with UK employees of the same corporate group, provided no work is conducted directly with clients.
  3. PA 6. An internal auditor may conduct regulatory or financial audits at a UK branch of the same group of companies as the Visitor’s employer overseas.

The Government is looking at expanding the activities allowed under the UK business visitor visa for intracompany transferees in January 2024. Some other proposed changes for business visitors include:

  • Allow more work to be permitted for the legal services sector.
  • Clarifying activities that those undertaking paid engagements can perform under the visa.

Youth Mobility

The government will also be expanding new and existing Youth Mobility Schemes with other countries to make sure the next generation of talent has a wide range of opportunities to live, work and travel abroad.

Other Updates

  • Delays in the process of Defined Certificate of Sponsorship (‘DCoS’) requests. This is due to an increase in the number of abusive applications from certain sectors. The current time taken to resolve DCoS requests is around two weeks, on average. The usual processing time is 2-3 working days.
  • Increasing the maximum civil penalty amount for employing illegal workers to £45,000 per worker from early 2024.

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