Incident Response

Create, test and refine your incident response process

With 46% of companies reporting cyber-attacks or breaches in the last 12 months and a multitude of high-profile examples making the headlines, it’s clear to see such incidents are ever-increasing. It is therefore critical for businesses to create, test, and refine incident response processes in order to be prepared, should they be targeted. 

Having plans in place helps to safeguard your money, time, reputation and client data from attacks. 

Our services include

Incident Response RetainersIncident response readiness and resilience, through our team on demand incident preparedness and support for when you need it most.
Cyber and Ransomware attack supportRespond, contain and remediate an ongoing cyber-attack.
Insider Threat | Employee misuse and misconduct investigationsReview employees who have been accused of violating your HR policies.
Breach response analysisFind out what happened during a compromise and how you can remain protected moving forward.
Forensic assuranceValidate an internal investigation and remediation actions.
Theft of restricted dataEvaluate your systems for evidence of exfiltration of business-critical data.
Unauthorized accessInvestigate the access log to folders and files within an internal system.
Credit card fraudAssess compromised credit card exposure on ecommerce systems and point-of-sale (POS) terminals.
Simulated table top exercisesHands on simulated roleplaying session of a likely real world attack vector to test policies, procedures and readiness.

Key benefits of our incident response retainers

Readiness – The goals of our initial onboarding and regular touch points are to learn about your digital estate, system structures, cloud infrastructure, database integration and backups in order to develop a comprehensive response framework and get you ready for any eventuality.

Locate areas that need additional assistance – We will help in identifying gaps within and help point out any weakness.

Enhanced Preparedness - Ensuring your business is prepared for cyberattacks by raising knowledge of the risks involved and encouraging preventative measures.

Responsiveness – To be on standby for when you need us most in the event of a cyber incident.

How to prepare 

Cyber incidents take a variety of forms, from untargeted ransomware to targeted phishing attacks as well as advanced persistent threats (APT), so it’s important to plan for a number of scenarios. Each organisation has a unique set of challenges so we will work closely with you to identify what you need to do to be prepared. This could include assessments such as: 

  • Cyber-attack simulation exercise.
  • Threat profiling.
  • Reviewing or creating a response and recovery program.
  • Incident response playbooks.
  • Stress testing your teams.
  • Dark web open-source intelligence (OSINT) for your organisation and staff.

Our incident response retainers

  1. Initial and ongoing workshops to understand your business, IT infrastructure, and existing incident response policies and procedures, and ensure an effective response.
  2. On-site and remote response SLAs.
  3. Multiple escalation channels including a 24/7 emergency communication channel.
  4. Real-time virtual communication enabled by Microsoft Teams with our incident response team to ensure we are an extension of your team, and not just another service provider.
  5. Crisis preparedness and management support where it is needed, from board-level to first-responder teams.
  6. Access to our customised incident reporting templates, and a range of other firm's resources.
  7. Unused retainer hours can be used on readiness and cyber security advisory services, to maximise your return on investment.
  8. Rapid access to a range of additional cyber security services (including penetration testing and threat detection) to inform wider security strategy.

Post-incident reviews 

If you have suffered an incident, we offer forensic assurance services for a full review of your response and to ensure there is no persistent threat. This could include understanding the root cause, evaluating the effectiveness of actions taken, and understanding what 'lessons' can be learned. 

Type of engagements that we can support include, but are not limited to

  • Data Recovery
  • Business Email Compromise
  • Intellectual Property theft
  • Analysis of Compromised systems
  • Forensic Assurance
  • Microsoft Office 365 Investigation
  • Credit Card breach analysis – PFI based Privileged Investigation
  • PII / ePHI breach analysis
  • Key Word Search
  • PST Extraction / Recovery
  • Malware / Root Cause Analysis
  • Ransomware Response and Analysis
  • Expert Witness Testimony and Litigation Support 
  • Threat profiling 

Why us?

  • Whether your system is physical on-premise, virtualised in the cloud, or in a hybrid environment, we are ready to support and investigate quickly. With an entire practice dedicated to cyber breaches, incident response and digital forensics, we have investigated, contained and remediated cybersecurity breaches for organizations of all sizes. We have expertise supporting technical assessment requirements in adherence with all major global compliance mandates.
  • We have a long history of being trusted by organisations during some of their most significant crises.
  • Our staff have years of experience identifying and responding to incidents on some of the world’s most sensitive networks and during the highest profile crises.
  • Alongside our deep technical expertise, we understand the reputational, commercial, legal and regulatory challenges that underpin cyber response.
  • Our services are powered by top tier in-house red teamers, providing unrivalled insight into the latest attacker techniques and risk mitigation measures.
  • The way we have structured our team around the world means you will benefit from all of our global expertise, depth of technical excellence, industry expertise, cutting edge technology and scale, delivered through a local UK team you can access with a single email.
  • Our technology and vendor independence allows for thorough, in-depth, and unbiased recommendations to move you beyond a breach and help prevent future breaches.

Get in touch

To find out more, or discuss your investigations needs, contact us using the form below.

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