Waste services consulting

Whilst much of the public and social sector are pre-occupied with many of the big and high-profile services to communities, one area that seldom gets a positive spotlight are waste services.
That said, one of the most common topics of local resident social media chat groups is ‘which bin should I put out tonight?’ (or to that effect).

Headwinds facing waste collection

A recent BBC News article suggests the UK government’s plans to introduce consistent waste collection policies across England could prove chaotic and unworkable. Whilst details of the waste collection reforms are expected to be confirmed soon, the suggestion that councils will need to arrange separate collections of six types of recyclable waste could present challenges, not least the ‘hidden costs’ and potential ‘bottlenecks’ in service delivery.

How we can help

Our team at Mazars have deep experience with Public and Social Sector clients on Waste Service related projects. We offer a hybrid team of global infrastructure finance (GIF), management consulting, forensics and valuations teams to provide a holistic, high-quality range of services that you can rely on.


How we have helped clients

Payment mechanism and modelling

A local authority needed a review of their payment model, logical integrity, internal consistency and accuracy of formulae, algorithms and calculations. Our GIF team ensured that the model accurately represented the contract requirements. We enabled the local authority to ensure their model calculations aligned with definitions of unitary charge, base payments, landfill payments, substitute waste payments, etc.

Service reviews, benchmarking, future-proofing and modelling

A unitary local authority needed support where their waste management service was severely disrupted due to contractor underperformance and increased pressure on the council’s customer service centre. Our management consulting experts identified the root causes, supplementing our lessons learned review, and produced our report with practical recommendations to address the key challenges.

Separately, we analysed financial information sourced from the waste recycling JV partner to assess income against investment. Working with third-party contractors, including consultants and lawyers, we investigated 5 years of income and cost figures, conducted benchmarking and trend analysis to provide further insights for strategic decision-making.

Strategic options appraisal

Our local authority client expressed significant concerns around their internal repairs and maintenance, and income recognition controls. Our management consulting team identified the root causes, and provided options, considerations, recommendations that were highly appraised, followed by development of a rational and non-disruptive implementation plan to put in place the new ways of working.

VFM audits and assessments

Our Internal Audit & Assurance team have undertaken several waste management contract reviews and waste disposal audits for local authorities. This included waste management strategy, partnership agreement, payments, performance management, MI & budget monitoring. We provided insightful findings and corrective actions to support the Councils’ objectives and wider Value-for-Money initiatives.

Forecasting, modelling, advising on capital infrastructure 

Our GIF, forensics and management consulting team provide financial modelling and valuations for wind and biomass projects.

We carry out full arms-length valuations, build associated models and update them each quarter, and provide detailed valuation reports and relevant asset issues.

Energy from Waste (EfW) modelling and litigation support 

In a dispute between a city’s waste collection provider and the local public body – changes in law had caused loss of the business. Our litigation team advised and provided an expert report assessing the quantum with a supporting valuation model.

An EfW plant operator had made losses due to faulty machinery causing plant shutdown. Our litigation team calculated the losses suffered by reviewing records and analysing tonnage collected and processed, plant gate fees,energy sale revenue, and costs associated with residual bottom ash, landfill gate fees and transport.

Get in touch

To find out more about our waste services and how Mazars could help please get in touch.

Contact us

National contact

Michelle Xiaoyuan Osorio
Michelle Xiaoyuan Osorio Director - Management Consulting Gloucester

Detailed profile