What’s next to Invest in the future of my business? Employee attraction / retention

Great people make great companies. That business maxim is as old as business itself and in the current economy, it has even more weight.

In our 2023 C-suite barometer 25% of executives surveyed highlighted that attracting talent is a high priority over the coming three to five years, and 28% of our C-suite executives say that recruiting a skilled workforce is a factor holding back their company’s growth. What options are available to ensure you can attract and retain the right staff in a competitive labour market?

In our latest webinar we discussed:

  • Attracting and retaining key staff – reward strategies 
  • Gender pay gap 
  • Payroll & Benefits in Kind
  • Holiday pay
  • Q&A

Get in touch

If you would like to speak to a member of our team to discuss What’s next for your business, please contact us using the form below.

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