Is your tech transformation driven by business need or FOMO?

According to our latest C-suite barometer, transforming company technology is the top strategic priority for boards over the next 3-5 years. However, are large scale tech transformations always the right way forward, and what must executives do to make them a success?

Digital transformation, new technology and generative AI are the buzzwords of the day, so it is no surprise that tech transformation is a top priority for boards. While exciting, such transformations also carry significant risk so must be thought-through and well planned.

Organisations must be careful to avoid ‘jumping on the band wagon’ and enacting tech transformations because they feel they should or may become obsolete if they don’t. Transformations must be business-led rather than tech-led.

This means that executives must first make sure the business is ready for a transformation and have a clear business case and associated ROI. Solid technological foundations must already be in place and the underlying data must be reliable and useful. Executives must also consider their people, the wider organisational and strategic context, and the other transformations that are occurring to avoid transformation fatigue.

Listen to the latest edition of our C-speak podcast series to hear Asam Malik, Technology & Digital Consulting Services Lead, Helen Parker, Strategy Consulting Services Lead, and Mark Kennedy, Forvis Mazars Board Member, discuss these issues in more detail.

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00:00:07:02 - 00:00:10:02
Hello and welcome
to this edition of the C-speak podcast,

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inspired by Seaspeak,
which is the official language of the seas

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that provides clear communication
amongst ships captains.

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We're bringing together Forvis
Mazars experts to discuss

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the big strategic challenges
that face business leaders today.

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They're going to share their views,
knowledge and practical

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tips to help businesses
gain competitive advantage.

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I'm your host for the podcast.

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Mark Kennedy is my name,

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and I'm a partner and a member
of the group executive board at Forvis Mazars Group.

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And today, I'm very excited to welcome

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two of our leading experts on the topic
we're covering.

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The first is Asam Malik.

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Asam is a partner here at Forvis
Mazars in the UK

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and leads our technology
and digital consulting team.

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He has over 20 years of experience
in advising clients

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on how to better leverage technology
and manage technology and data risk.

00:01:01:08 - 00:01:04:18
And we're also joined by Helen Parker,
another partner here at Forvis Mazars,

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somebody who's worked with me on
and off many times over the years.

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And Helen leads
our strategy consulting service

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and helps our clients to bridge the gap
between businesses and people's

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strategies to optimize performance
and value creation.

00:01:18:20 - 00:01:22:12
Thank you both for joining us today,
and we're delighted to have you both here.

00:01:22:13 - 00:01:25:20
Really appreciate
you giving up the time and your expertise.

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So today we're going to talk about

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the C-suite barometer finding.

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And as you may know,
we we run a C-Suite survey every year.

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And the C-Suite barometer tells us what,

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business leaders
around the world are most focused on.

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And one of the big findings
this year was that UK leaders are focusing

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very much on technology and transformation
over the next 3 to 5 years.

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So that's a hot topic all around
the world, particularly here, the UK.

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So today
we're going to spend a little bit of time

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discussing tech transformation,
some of the challenges

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and some of the areas the business leaders
might want to prioritize, prioritize

00:02:07:08 - 00:02:10:06
for success.

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To get us started, I'm
going to throw this as an open question

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to both Helen and that certainly
you can decide who wants to take it.

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But when we talk about technology
transformation, what are we really

00:02:20:18 - 00:02:21:14
talking about?

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I mean, as a layperson,
I am bombarded with AI,

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automation, cybersecurity,
and it all seems to me to be a big jumble.

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What are we really
talking about at the moment?

00:02:33:01 - 00:02:36:04
Yeah, I think you're right, Mark,
to start with that particular question,

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because technology transformation means
different things to different people.

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from my perspective, what technology
transformation really means is the

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adoption of new and emerging technology
to digitize processes at an organization.

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and also integrating technology

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more into the processes
of an organization,

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with normally three clear objectives,
which is at either reduce cost,

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increase efficiency or to enhance
customer experience.

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What do you think, Helen?

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I maybe would pick up on the word

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I think, you know,
this is a step, a real step change.

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I think a lot of the time we hear the word
transformation and more importantly,

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and users or staff in organizations
hear the word transformation.

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And it's not necessarily always delivered
or they don't see those full impacts

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of change on their everyday processes or,
you know, that sort of view activity.

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So, I think being careful about the word
transformation is important here as an

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okay, okay.

00:03:43:03 - 00:03:46:03
So that's something
you've kind of touched on on 2 or 3,

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three things that you,

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seeing as driving

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this kind of trend
and this view on tech transformation,

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I mentioned at the start, I

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which is kind of the word on
everybody's lips at the moment.

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Do you think that's really a core priority

00:04:04:04 - 00:04:07:10
for business leaders,
or is it a bit of a fad?

00:04:07:12 - 00:04:10:03
Is it going to disappear?

00:04:10:03 - 00:04:13:06
Yeah, I don't think I can disappear.

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I think technology's always been on high
on the list of leaders priorities,

00:04:18:10 - 00:04:23:08
because its ability to just transform and
district, but just represent processes.

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And I think that's incredibly important
that recognization that we need

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to keep an eye on the technology
that's out there because it

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it can really, really make a difference
to the way that we do things.

00:04:33:14 - 00:04:35:22
I think AI is definitely here to stay.

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I think it's going to becoming more
and more embedded in our day to day lives.

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And I think we're going to see that
even more.

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I think a really good example of
that is just this week,

00:04:45:23 - 00:04:49:05
Apple's announcement
that they launching Apple AI,

00:04:49:12 - 00:04:53:09
which effectively is their, artificial
intelligence that they're building

00:04:53:09 - 00:04:57:08
into Siri and their operating system,
which integrates ChatGPT.

00:04:57:20 - 00:05:01:05
So again, you're seeing another example
there of how

00:05:01:05 - 00:05:04:13
it's becoming more and more embedded
into our day to day lives.

00:05:04:23 - 00:05:07:20
My personal view is
that it's just going to be

00:05:07:20 - 00:05:10:22
as normal as going on Google
or going on a search engine.

00:05:10:22 - 00:05:14:21
It's just going to be part of what we do
every day in pretty much

00:05:15:01 - 00:05:18:00
every component of technology
that we touch going forward now.

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I did see that, that announcement.

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one of the things

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that I'm wondering about, the
if you're embedding these things

00:05:26:17 - 00:05:29:22
into our everyday lives
and, you know, let's face it,

00:05:31:11 - 00:05:33:18
the smartphone has

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has made that kind of process both,

00:05:37:05 - 00:05:40:20
I suppose, ubiquitous,
but also kind of painless, seamless.

00:05:40:20 - 00:05:43:13
You don't even notice it's happening.

00:05:43:13 - 00:05:46:07
how did out of business leaders

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react to that?

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I mean, what
what do they need to start thinking about?

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if it's happening all around you, it's
happening to you without any decision.

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It's quite different than deciding,

00:05:56:10 - 00:05:59:10
oh, I'm going to transform my business
and do the, you know, x, y, z.

00:05:59:10 - 00:06:02:03
Here's my plan.

00:06:02:03 - 00:06:05:02
I mean, yeah, there's
a lot of business leaders to think about.

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And you're right,

00:06:05:17 - 00:06:09:17
Mark, that the challenge with some of this
new technology is it's been so seamless.

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It's been so easy to access
and it's so user friendly as well.

00:06:14:12 - 00:06:18:02
and I think the key thing for businesses
too, this is recognizing that challenge

00:06:18:02 - 00:06:21:14
because people have access to this
technology in their personal lives.

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They want access to this technology
in their business as well.

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And sometimes they've got quicker access
in their business lives.

00:06:28:11 - 00:06:31:07
But from a business this perspective,
there's a couple of really key,

00:06:31:07 - 00:06:33:08
important things they need to think about.

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Firstly, is that training.

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They really need to make sure
that their staff are trained to run.

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How to truly leverage understand
possibilities of this new technology.

00:06:43:03 - 00:06:44:17
Because without the training,

00:06:44:17 - 00:06:47:03
you're just going to be scratching the
surface on what it can do.

00:06:48:13 - 00:06:51:00
secondly, it's about strategy as well.

00:06:51:00 - 00:06:53:00
You can't just implement
this new technology.

00:06:53:00 - 00:06:54:17
You've got to have a strategy around,

00:06:54:17 - 00:06:56:17
what is it going to do for your business?

00:06:56:17 - 00:06:59:17
What is the return on investment
for this investment?

00:06:59:23 - 00:07:00:23
What's the business case.

00:07:00:23 - 00:07:04:02
And those are things that are often
overlooked because, you know,

00:07:04:02 - 00:07:08:01
the temptation is to jump in
and start using it because it's shiny.

00:07:08:01 - 00:07:09:22
It's new, it's exciting,

00:07:09:22 - 00:07:13:09
but you can't, you know,
you can't miss those important steps.

00:07:13:09 - 00:07:16:23
Otherwise you're not going to get back
into, you know, return on investment.

00:07:17:12 - 00:07:23:06
And the last two things I will say
it's it's really important to get the data

00:07:23:06 - 00:07:27:22
that is underlying in your organization,
right, in terms of the quality of the data

00:07:28:04 - 00:07:30:01
and also making sure it's comprehensive.

00:07:30:01 - 00:07:34:05
Because if you're putting AI
and these new technologies on data

00:07:34:05 - 00:07:38:03
in your organization, and that data is
not accurate and it's not comprehensive,

00:07:38:10 - 00:07:41:03
you're going to get a really negative
output at the back.

00:07:41:03 - 00:07:41:13
You know,

00:07:41:13 - 00:07:43:08
I've used this term
with a few of my clients

00:07:43:08 - 00:07:43:22
is that

00:07:43:22 - 00:07:45:20
if you don't have the right business,

00:07:45:20 - 00:07:47:16
then you're going to get artificial

00:07:47:16 - 00:07:48:10
You're actually going

00:07:48:10 - 00:07:51:20
to get information that you're going
to be making wrong decisions on.

00:07:51:20 - 00:07:53:07
So it's important to get that right.

00:07:54:10 - 00:07:54:19

00:07:54:19 - 00:07:55:04

00:07:55:04 - 00:07:59:04
And so there's been a lot of publicity
but error rates particularly in AI.

00:07:59:14 - 00:08:02:07
But yeah there's 2 or 3 topics
that you raised there

00:08:02:07 - 00:08:05:00
which I think a really interesting
business model and so on.

00:08:05:00 - 00:08:06:11
And data.

00:08:06:11 - 00:08:09:11
But before we jump into that,
maybe just wanted to come back to Helen

00:08:10:15 - 00:08:13:15
as cited strategy.

00:08:13:18 - 00:08:16:14
and I suppose one of the things
that I always think about when I,

00:08:16:14 - 00:08:20:08
when I start thinking strategically
is, well, what's the risk profile here?

00:08:21:01 - 00:08:24:01
What are the risks
that are coming with a particular change?

00:08:25:19 - 00:08:28:19
and I was just interested in
what do you see as the big risks and what

00:08:29:11 - 00:08:33:14
what's the response as somebody
who practices in this area of strategy?

00:08:34:10 - 00:08:36:05
Yeah, I think it's very easy.

00:08:36:05 - 00:08:39:18
Is, Asam said to be tempted
to adopt these things

00:08:39:18 - 00:08:43:07
because they're seeing other organizations
do or they're hearing it.

00:08:43:19 - 00:08:45:11
you know, in the external market.

00:08:45:11 - 00:08:48:17
But I think it's really been
quite ruthless in terms

00:08:48:17 - 00:08:51:21
of what you focus on
and what you prioritize,

00:08:51:21 - 00:08:57:03
and really making sure that the decisions
that you make are business decisions.

00:08:57:03 - 00:08:58:03
It should be,

00:08:58:03 - 00:09:01:01
you know, there's all sorts of things
over the last few years that have helped

00:09:01:01 - 00:09:04:21
us gain efficiencies in businesses
and yes, tech and digitization

00:09:04:21 - 00:09:08:19
can be one of those levers,
but it's making sure that you are doing it

00:09:09:02 - 00:09:12:08
for the right reasons
and more importantly, at the right time.

00:09:13:07 - 00:09:13:18
and, you know,

00:09:13:18 - 00:09:16:18
there's there's a lot for business leaders
to navigate.

00:09:17:16 - 00:09:21:13
Digital and tech transformation
is a lot to take on.

00:09:21:22 - 00:09:25:11
And I think it's been really making sure
that you are doing

00:09:25:11 - 00:09:30:09
the right things at the right times
and prioritizing the right areas.

00:09:30:21 - 00:09:33:21
And before you do that
and is awesome, said,

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you know, making sure
that you've got the best,

00:09:37:01 - 00:09:41:23
you know, really clear business case
that sets out what your target outcomes

00:09:41:23 - 00:09:45:20
are, your return on investment,
and making sure that that rigor is put in

00:09:45:20 - 00:09:50:04
at the beginning will make will ensure
that you then are set up for success.

00:09:50:05 - 00:09:52:06
I think if you don't do those things,

00:09:52:06 - 00:09:56:20
if you don't link it to your overall
vision, your commercial direction, then

00:09:56:20 - 00:10:00:16
the risks will start to arise that you're
maybe not doing this at the right time.

00:10:00:19 - 00:10:02:23
And then one of
the risks that I see a lot,

00:10:04:06 - 00:10:04:14
you know,

00:10:04:14 - 00:10:07:17
in all of our engagements for clients,
we are dealing with the C-suite.

00:10:07:17 - 00:10:09:17
And I think increasingly,

00:10:09:17 - 00:10:12:22
some members of the C-suite
feel quite uncomfortable

00:10:12:22 - 00:10:18:03
when it comes to digital and tech
because they don't have the experience

00:10:18:03 - 00:10:19:15
or some of those capabilities

00:10:19:15 - 00:10:22:15
that perhaps they would do
when making other business decisions.

00:10:22:23 - 00:10:25:23
I think it's making sure that you,

00:10:26:06 - 00:10:28:23
your C-suite,
have got the right information

00:10:28:23 - 00:10:32:19
to be able to make those informed
decisions is really important.

00:10:33:03 - 00:10:37:13
And whether that's getting external
support or taking more time to make sure.

00:10:37:15 - 00:10:41:05
So you have that information
and are able to make informed decisions.

00:10:41:09 - 00:10:43:18
I think it's really important because,

00:10:43:18 - 00:10:45:23
you know, it's
it can be quite a vulnerable place

00:10:45:23 - 00:10:49:01
for a member of the C-suite
if they if they don't have knowledge

00:10:49:01 - 00:10:50:20
in this area and it's supporting,

00:10:50:20 - 00:10:53:20
then the information that, yeah,
give them the information that they need.

00:10:54:16 - 00:10:56:03
Yeah, I can I can certainly,

00:10:57:05 - 00:10:58:10
relate to that

00:10:58:10 - 00:11:01:23
and that, you know, the conversations
we might be having as a firm

00:11:01:23 - 00:11:05:09
about the technology change and,
and someone who's not

00:11:05:22 - 00:11:09:00
from that background,
it is quite daunting because,

00:11:09:19 - 00:11:12:06
I guess it's
this kind of unintended consequences.

00:11:12:06 - 00:11:15:07
You're not sure what dominoes
you're tipping.

00:11:15:15 - 00:11:17:16
One of the areas
that that always interested me

00:11:17:16 - 00:11:19:20
if I just stay with you,
Holland, for a moment is,

00:11:19:20 - 00:11:22:20
is the people consequences of us and,

00:11:23:03 - 00:11:26:09
you know, are there particular thoughts
about how you manage that, again,

00:11:26:09 - 00:11:29:18
from a strategic perspective or the risks
that you might be trying to address?

00:11:30:14 - 00:11:33:02
I mean, when we talk about transformation,

00:11:33:02 - 00:11:36:21
as I said at the start,
we are talking about significant change.

00:11:37:04 - 00:11:42:05
This is going to have to be, you know,
people are going to see a real difference

00:11:42:05 - 00:11:44:19
and there's going to have to be different
ways of working,

00:11:44:19 - 00:11:48:07
different ways of solving problems,
different ways of making decisions.

00:11:48:07 - 00:11:51:13
And that all really leads back
to your organizational culture.

00:11:52:04 - 00:11:56:00
And I think business leaders, as you,
you know, as

00:11:56:00 - 00:12:00:00
you start to flex your model or adopt
all of this transformation,

00:12:00:00 - 00:12:04:05
you really need to be thinking
about how your culture then supports that.

00:12:04:11 - 00:12:09:18
I think being really, focused on culture,
how do you bring people along

00:12:09:18 - 00:12:11:18
on the journey, you know, ultimately

00:12:11:18 - 00:12:14:18
with, with translations,
how do you sell it to the end users?

00:12:14:18 - 00:12:17:18
You know,
you are fully reliant on your workforce

00:12:17:18 - 00:12:20:21
adopting these new systems
or new ways of working.

00:12:21:20 - 00:12:23:02
you know, at the beginning

00:12:23:02 - 00:12:26:17
phase of the planning, you absolutely
have to get that feedback and input.

00:12:27:00 - 00:12:29:07
you know, really being able to understand

00:12:29:07 - 00:12:32:19
the business requirements
and not just the TAC requirements.

00:12:33:08 - 00:12:36:01
so spending time with on the ground users

00:12:36:01 - 00:12:39:04
to understand the business requirements
is really important.

00:12:39:14 - 00:12:42:05
And then all of the,
you know, comms and engagement

00:12:42:05 - 00:12:45:05
to ultimately sell it to them,
bring them on the journey.

00:12:45:09 - 00:12:48:18
as I said at the beginning,
I think there's a lot of transformation

00:12:48:21 - 00:12:50:00
is being used a lot

00:12:50:00 - 00:12:53:05
in all different parts of an organization
over the last few years.

00:12:53:13 - 00:12:57:17
I don't know if end users always feel
that they have seen or felt

00:12:57:22 - 00:12:59:03
that transformation.

00:12:59:03 - 00:13:03:04
So you've got a potential that maybe
people don't trust the word transformation

00:13:03:04 - 00:13:06:23
anymore, or they're expecting too much
or expecting to get those,

00:13:08:01 - 00:13:09:20
and then another part is

00:13:09:20 - 00:13:13:16
really looking at change
on a cumulative basis.

00:13:13:22 - 00:13:17:21
So I think for a lot of people
on the ground, they've had to deal

00:13:17:21 - 00:13:22:01
with a lot of change over the last
few years, and it's really putting that

00:13:22:21 - 00:13:25:12
that into context
and understanding the cumulative

00:13:25:12 - 00:13:28:16
impact of change on our people
is really important.

00:13:29:15 - 00:13:32:02
because if you look at it in that wider

00:13:32:02 - 00:13:35:02
you might then have different approaches
to how you bring them on the journey

00:13:35:07 - 00:13:38:07
and more importantly,
keeping them on the journey.

00:13:38:13 - 00:13:39:10
and you know what?

00:13:39:10 - 00:13:42:19
What you want your people on the ground
to be those change agents for you.

00:13:43:03 - 00:13:45:16
And so I think really focusing on culture,

00:13:45:16 - 00:13:48:17
focusing on the end users
and the degree of change

00:13:48:17 - 00:13:51:20
they've been through over the last
few years should be, you know, good,

00:13:51:20 - 00:13:55:13
good levers,
for how to design an effective plan.

00:13:56:09 - 00:13:58:10
That's a
that's a really interesting point that,

00:13:59:15 - 00:14:00:19
we don't often think about.

00:14:00:19 - 00:14:01:02

00:14:01:02 - 00:14:04:02
The number of different change plans
we've all been through and,

00:14:04:06 - 00:14:07:06
and just the human impact of that,

00:14:07:16 - 00:14:10:05
I suppose just to, you know,
you've both been clear

00:14:10:05 - 00:14:14:03
about the need to be very grounded
in your business model

00:14:14:03 - 00:14:17:03
and what you're trying to achieve
from that perspective.

00:14:17:16 - 00:14:19:03
what do you think? Yes.

00:14:19:03 - 00:14:20:05
just going back to you,

00:14:20:05 - 00:14:23:20
what are the main barriers if I
if I'm there, we're having a discussion.

00:14:23:20 - 00:14:27:01
And were we saying, right, we are going
to embrace AI in the business.

00:14:27:07 - 00:14:29:02
What are the main barriers to success?

00:14:29:02 - 00:14:32:16
What are the big things that
that we've got to unblock to make it work?

00:14:33:01 - 00:14:36:11
So I think one of the key ones that,
you know, Helen mentioned earlier

00:14:36:11 - 00:14:39:15
was just making sure
that we got the leadership team

00:14:39:15 - 00:14:42:15
or members of the leadership team
that really understand technology.

00:14:42:21 - 00:14:45:22
You know, you know, I've talked
a lot in the past and some of some

00:14:45:22 - 00:14:49:04
with its ability to shift that we've done
around the need for a technology net

00:14:49:12 - 00:14:54:01
or someone on on the board
or the executive that understands

00:14:54:01 - 00:14:59:07
the opportunity that this technology
brings, but be also understands the risks.

00:14:59:19 - 00:15:02:03
and thirdly, can challenge as well.

00:15:02:03 - 00:15:04:18
So, you know, it's important
that when you are getting

00:15:04:18 - 00:15:07:21
these initiatives that have been put
through to you from your technology team,

00:15:08:04 - 00:15:11:06
you have the ability to really challenge,
understand what they are doing

00:15:11:12 - 00:15:14:05
and whether it's right
for your organization.

00:15:14:05 - 00:15:17:09
I think the other thing, Mark, is that,
you know, it's it's important

00:15:17:09 - 00:15:17:23
that, you know,

00:15:17:23 - 00:15:21:17
when we're talking about barriers, that
we don't just think about AI technology

00:15:21:17 - 00:15:24:01
is much broader than that,
and we need to think about

00:15:24:01 - 00:15:27:14
different types of technology
that can enable that transformation.

00:15:27:18 - 00:15:29:06
You know, I very, very hot.

00:15:29:06 - 00:15:30:23
It's on everyone's lips right now.

00:15:30:23 - 00:15:33:23
But actually that's things
like machine learning, robotics,

00:15:34:07 - 00:15:37:03
it's a combination of those technologies
that's really going to enable

00:15:37:03 - 00:15:38:11
the transformation.

00:15:38:11 - 00:15:41:18
AI on its own
is not going to enact that transformation.

00:15:42:00 - 00:15:45:02
And, you know, going back to what
Helen said earlier about the start,

00:15:45:10 - 00:15:48:10
that all comes down
to connecting only to a strategy.

00:15:48:17 - 00:15:50:13
If you have it in a strategy
that makes it clear

00:15:50:13 - 00:15:52:13
that this is the transformation,

00:15:52:13 - 00:15:54:13
these are the objectives
that we're looking to achieve,

00:15:54:13 - 00:15:55:16
then we can look at what

00:15:55:16 - 00:15:59:07
the solutions are to achieve that,
but make sure that we have people,

00:15:59:15 - 00:16:02:01
you know, on the board, on the executive
that understand that

00:16:02:01 - 00:16:04:13
and can
then really guide us through that change

00:16:04:13 - 00:16:07:13
because it is a huge change
for the organization to do.

00:16:08:02 - 00:16:09:00
Sure, sure.

00:16:09:23 - 00:16:12:02
Helen, would you add anything to that?

00:16:12:02 - 00:16:14:00
I think it's getting those basics right.

00:16:14:00 - 00:16:15:21
Making sure that you're ready for this.

00:16:15:21 - 00:16:19:09
You know, having the strategy,
having the business case, making sure

00:16:19:09 - 00:16:23:08
you've got the skills, whether that's
in-house or, you know, exams that fire

00:16:23:15 - 00:16:26:16
and that who's able to
to translate it for you a little bit.

00:16:27:16 - 00:16:28:05
you know,

00:16:28:05 - 00:16:32:06
very often we go into organizations
that want to embark on transformation.

00:16:32:06 - 00:16:35:13
And one of our first questions is,
do you have a data strategy as an example?

00:16:35:13 - 00:16:36:20
And they say, no.

00:16:36:20 - 00:16:38:13
And that goes back to what Asan said.

00:16:38:13 - 00:16:40:20
You know, you've got to be building.

00:16:40:20 - 00:16:43:17
You've got to have sound foundation
on which to build.

00:16:43:17 - 00:16:47:23
And, you know, the basics of data
is really, really important.

00:16:47:23 - 00:16:48:21
And that's

00:16:48:21 - 00:16:53:02
and so I think probably it's about
having patients doing it step by step

00:16:53:10 - 00:16:57:14
and then making sure that you implement
this sort of transformation program

00:16:57:14 - 00:17:00:04
at the right time.
I think the timing is key.

00:17:01:11 - 00:17:02:02

00:17:02:02 - 00:17:04:20
You could include advice on both of those.

00:17:04:20 - 00:17:08:00
I suppose
you've touched on one of my nightmares

00:17:08:06 - 00:17:11:06
when you mentioned data again,
which is the,

00:17:12:06 - 00:17:13:19
issue of security

00:17:13:19 - 00:17:18:08
and whether that's, you know,
inappropriate use of things are are people

00:17:19:04 - 00:17:22:04
with bad intent
getting onto your system and doing things,

00:17:24:07 - 00:17:26:02
you know, I suppose, again,

00:17:26:02 - 00:17:30:16
coming through strongly in the C-suite,
that's a very significant theme

00:17:30:22 - 00:17:34:00
globally that a lot of C-suite leaders

00:17:34:00 - 00:17:37:00
are anticipating problems in this area.

00:17:37:20 - 00:17:40:01
I think 40% said

00:17:40:01 - 00:17:43:01
they expected a data breach
or an attempted,

00:17:43:15 - 00:17:46:13
or an issue relating to a data breach,

00:17:46:13 - 00:17:50:14
in the coming year, which is a significant
uptick from the previous year's survey.

00:17:50:23 - 00:17:54:15
So in the context of transformation,

00:17:55:23 - 00:17:59:19
what should we be thinking about as
leaders now, looking forward?

00:18:01:00 - 00:18:01:16
I think,

00:18:01:16 - 00:18:04:10
you know, you mentioned the point around
security, Mark.

00:18:04:10 - 00:18:06:15
I think that's
an incredibly important one.

00:18:06:15 - 00:18:10:09
And I think that there's two facets
to security when it comes to new

00:18:10:09 - 00:18:11:21
and emerging technologies such as this.

00:18:11:21 - 00:18:15:23
You've absolutely, correct
in highlighting that, you know,

00:18:15:23 - 00:18:19:19
we we're seeing cyber criminals
leveraging new and emerging technology

00:18:19:19 - 00:18:23:18
such as AI to perpetrate more and more
sophisticated attacks on our clients.

00:18:24:01 - 00:18:27:12
And we're seeing that because
they're using it to craft emails, etc.,

00:18:27:12 - 00:18:30:12
which is, you know, a very traditional way
of attacking an organization.

00:18:30:14 - 00:18:33:22
But now what we're also seeing
is that cyber criminals are also using

00:18:33:22 - 00:18:38:19
AI technology to mimic the voices of key
people in the organization,

00:18:38:19 - 00:18:42:08
and even to create videos
that look like they are from,

00:18:42:22 - 00:18:46:04
you know, senior stakeholders
in organizations to influence people,

00:18:46:08 - 00:18:50:13
to kind of go there to click on links
or release forms, etc..

00:18:50:13 - 00:18:54:11
So we're seeing that, definitely
we're going to see more of that for sure.

00:18:54:19 - 00:18:57:19
I think the other area, which is,
you know, much more controllable by

00:18:57:19 - 00:19:01:06
organizations is when you're implementing
this new and emerging technology.

00:19:01:14 - 00:19:04:07
Think about embedding security.

00:19:04:07 - 00:19:07:07
and I'll give you a good example of that,
is that one of our clients

00:19:07:11 - 00:19:11:11
who's implemented AI recently,
they didn't lock down the access that they

00:19:11:19 - 00:19:16:22
I had in terms of, you know, all the
documents, etc., on their shared areas.

00:19:17:05 - 00:19:21:20
And one of their employees
then went on to the AI and asked it,

00:19:22:03 - 00:19:25:04
and who were the highest paid employees
in that organization?

00:19:25:16 - 00:19:29:03
and the I went and got that information
straight away, which really highlights

00:19:29:03 - 00:19:32:15
the need that when you're implementing AI,
a new and emerging technology,

00:19:33:02 - 00:19:37:07
you think about embedding security
as part of that implementation.

00:19:37:12 - 00:19:41:10
It can't be an afterthought because
you had the horses bolted at that point.

00:19:41:13 - 00:19:45:02
So it is an important consideration,
which is often enough to build.

00:19:45:17 - 00:19:47:03
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

00:19:47:03 - 00:19:51:00
And the excitement of of rushing ahead
and maybe the fear of missing out

00:19:51:01 - 00:19:54:01
or maybe not getting that the things

00:19:54:19 - 00:19:58:19
bolted in place, to use your analogy,
is, is is a real risk.

00:19:59:02 - 00:20:01:03
Anything you touched on that
security point,

00:20:01:03 - 00:20:03:14
Helen, I know
it's something that you think about.

00:20:03:14 - 00:20:04:00

00:20:04:00 - 00:20:07:14
I mean, my team do a lot of work around
sort of business continuity

00:20:07:14 - 00:20:08:19
and crisis management.

00:20:08:19 - 00:20:12:23
I think we're increasingly seeing,
you know, quite a different framework

00:20:12:23 - 00:20:16:06
having to be, implemented
as you're developing

00:20:16:06 - 00:20:19:06
your, your strategies
and your plans in that area.

00:20:19:10 - 00:20:21:07
you know,
we always say that you're only as strong

00:20:21:07 - 00:20:24:16
as your weakest link
when it comes to, crisis management.

00:20:24:16 - 00:20:28:03
I think for me,
it's looking at third parties as well.

00:20:28:03 - 00:20:34:21
And often your tech, digital solutions
do require a lot of use of third parties.

00:20:34:21 - 00:20:38:14
I think it's making sure that you've done
your risk assessments on them.

00:20:38:19 - 00:20:43:12
And, you know, the reason, issue
with the London hospitals not being able

00:20:43:12 - 00:20:46:19
to do operations over the last few weeks
because of that third party

00:20:46:23 - 00:20:49:23
blood testing,
I think is the perfect example.

00:20:50:13 - 00:20:53:19
you know, it's it's
not that blood company reputation

00:20:53:19 - 00:20:54:20
that's going to go through the mud.

00:20:54:20 - 00:20:58:18
It was the NHS and that was what was,
you know, all the journalists picked up

00:20:58:18 - 00:21:02:11
on, so I think it's really making sure
that in the tech area,

00:21:02:17 - 00:21:05:21
you've done your due
diligence on third parties that you use,

00:21:06:04 - 00:21:09:10
and you've integrated
some of the risks that you might find

00:21:09:10 - 00:21:12:10
into your overall crisis management
planning as well.

00:21:13:02 - 00:21:14:01
Okay. Okay.

00:21:15:14 - 00:21:16:17
just I suppose we're

00:21:16:17 - 00:21:20:15
coming close to the end of our time, but
I want to pick up briefly on regulation.

00:21:20:15 - 00:21:23:15
Again, strong feedback in the survey that,

00:21:24:03 - 00:21:26:23
over 90% of UK C-suite executives

00:21:26:23 - 00:21:29:23
are expecting increased regulation around

00:21:30:00 - 00:21:33:00
I in particularly generative AI.

00:21:33:11 - 00:21:36:13
what areas do you think regulators
should be looking at?

00:21:36:21 - 00:21:39:21
I think there is a need for regulation,
Mark, because I think that, you know,

00:21:40:09 - 00:21:42:09
there's a with AI in particular,

00:21:42:09 - 00:21:46:04
we're accessing and leveraging data
in, in very, very different ways.

00:21:46:04 - 00:21:49:16
In particular, you know, personally
identifiable information

00:21:49:23 - 00:21:52:19
that we have on customers of
clients is being used for very,

00:21:52:19 - 00:21:54:18
very different ways than it was intended.

00:21:54:18 - 00:21:59:05
So in order to protect, you know,
the individuals, we do need regulation.

00:21:59:18 - 00:22:01:23
I think the challenge is making sure
it's pragmatic.

00:22:01:23 - 00:22:05:02
It's it's the big task here
because we need to make sure there's

00:22:05:02 - 00:22:09:14
a balance that doesn't stifle innovation
because there's a huge opportunity here.

00:22:10:03 - 00:22:13:03
But we can't have
is to too much regulation

00:22:13:03 - 00:22:16:03
not prevent some of the innovation
from bearing fruit.

00:22:16:09 - 00:22:16:21

00:22:16:21 - 00:22:17:06

00:22:17:06 - 00:22:20:21
It's, I think there's a line there, isn't
there, that it's it's difficult to say.

00:22:20:21 - 00:22:21:15

00:22:21:15 - 00:22:25:13
because it's new and it's one of the,
the interesting features of this kind of

00:22:26:14 - 00:22:29:20
development in the technology world
is that we're testing

00:22:29:20 - 00:22:32:20
real time on real populations rather than,

00:22:34:13 - 00:22:36:02
you know, testing in a lab somewhere.

00:22:36:02 - 00:22:38:07
It's not possible.
So how do you draw that line?

00:22:38:07 - 00:22:40:15
I think is
is quite an interesting question.

00:22:40:15 - 00:22:46:06
And I guess and it's a perspective
that we need to remember that as boards

00:22:46:08 - 00:22:51:03
and, and auditors and others are part
of that institutional framework

00:22:51:03 - 00:22:53:07
to put a bit of challenge around,

00:22:53:07 - 00:22:56:07
you know, are
we drawing the line in the right place?

00:22:57:04 - 00:22:58:00
I just want to

00:22:58:00 - 00:23:01:19
you both touch the business model
at various points during the conversation.

00:23:01:19 - 00:23:05:05
And I know, you know, on the one hand,
I'm talking to a technologist

00:23:05:05 - 00:23:09:21
and and the other a strategist that was
interested in what you both thought.

00:23:10:07 - 00:23:12:10
Where would you start?
How would you start?

00:23:12:10 - 00:23:14:08
You know, I often hear
directors say, well, what do we do?

00:23:14:08 - 00:23:15:16
You know, and I'm not I'm not.

00:23:15:16 - 00:23:17:04
So with the more technical aspects.

00:23:17:04 - 00:23:18:21
But in thinking about your business model,

00:23:18:21 - 00:23:20:15
what's the first
question you'd ask yourself?

00:23:22:07 - 00:23:22:20
I think for

00:23:22:20 - 00:23:26:17
me, Mark, with any business, you know,
when you talk about transformation,

00:23:27:05 - 00:23:30:06
you know, the conversation
can't start with technology.

00:23:30:06 - 00:23:32:06
It's about business change to start with.

00:23:32:06 - 00:23:36:00
And I think for me, where I'd always start
and this is where Helen and I would work

00:23:36:00 - 00:23:39:17
hand in hand would be you need to think
about what the use cases are first.

00:23:39:18 - 00:23:41:22
You know, what are you trying to achieve?

00:23:41:22 - 00:23:44:10
The technology is an afterthought.
That's an enabler.

00:23:44:10 - 00:23:47:05
But what we really want to start with is
what are we trying to achieve?

00:23:47:05 - 00:23:49:04
What are we trying to achieve change?

00:23:49:04 - 00:23:50:18
And what's our objective?

00:23:50:18 - 00:23:52:00
And then you think about

00:23:52:00 - 00:23:54:04
how do you bring technology
to help us to make that change.

00:23:54:04 - 00:23:56:12
That would be my kind
of starting point with that.

00:23:57:16 - 00:23:57:20

00:23:57:20 - 00:23:59:01
Back to basics.

00:23:59:01 - 00:24:02:09
Yeah I agree I think, you know, it's
getting your vision.

00:24:02:09 - 00:24:05:09
What what are we actually trying
to solve here.

00:24:05:13 - 00:24:08:11
Being ruthless on the prioritization

00:24:08:11 - 00:24:11:11
and then going into planning
what some of those priority areas are.

00:24:11:11 - 00:24:15:09
I think with tech and transformation,
it has to be you have to make sure

00:24:15:09 - 00:24:18:11
you're doing the right time
and in the right sequence.

00:24:18:11 - 00:24:19:02
Known example

00:24:19:02 - 00:24:23:04
what we talked about for data strategy,
there's a sequencing on transformation.

00:24:23:04 - 00:24:24:21
And there's some aspects
that need to confess.

00:24:24:21 - 00:24:26:00
And if you're not ready

00:24:26:00 - 00:24:29:20
for some of those bits then
you've got to do build those foundations.

00:24:30:13 - 00:24:33:22
and really making sure that you are.

00:24:33:22 - 00:24:35:19
Yeah, doing things at the right time

00:24:35:19 - 00:24:38:22
and more importantly, for the right
reasons, with a really good plan

00:24:38:22 - 00:24:42:07
that sits behind it and really good
engagement with your staff,

00:24:43:12 - 00:24:44:19
planning and engagement.

00:24:44:19 - 00:24:46:05
Very good.

00:24:46:05 - 00:24:50:15
last question for you and a very brief
answer on on both from both of you.

00:24:50:15 - 00:24:52:06
I think,

00:24:52:06 - 00:24:54:17
just if you had one top tip,
if you want to leave,

00:24:54:17 - 00:24:56:12
you know, a sentence or a bullet point.

00:24:56:12 - 00:24:59:12
And so in a listener's head,
what's your top tip

00:24:59:15 - 00:25:03:13
for someone to consider
when digitally transforming your business?

00:25:03:14 - 00:25:05:13

00:25:05:13 - 00:25:09:08
I would say,
and probably stealing from the tech world.

00:25:09:13 - 00:25:13:09
I don't think there's anything wrong
with being a fast follower,

00:25:13:22 - 00:25:18:13
so let others make the mistakes
before you get the timing right.

00:25:19:14 - 00:25:23:00
and I think the phrase is that bleeding
edge and leading edge.

00:25:23:17 - 00:25:27:14
there's nothing wrong
with, being a bit patient and waiting

00:25:27:14 - 00:25:29:04
and see how some of these solutions

00:25:29:04 - 00:25:32:14
benefit others before you start
to adopt it yourself for your jump.

00:25:32:14 - 00:25:35:08
Okay, good, good good answer. Asim.

00:25:35:08 - 00:25:38:08
Yeah, for me
it would be starting with a strategy

00:25:38:09 - 00:25:40:17
and a strategy
that just doesn't think about AI.

00:25:40:17 - 00:25:43:15
It thinks about broader technology.

00:25:43:15 - 00:25:46:22
embedding security, as I highlighted
earlier, which is the importance of that.

00:25:46:22 - 00:25:50:23
And finally, you know, making sure that
that's built on a solid business case,

00:25:51:09 - 00:25:55:01
that's that those would be my top tips
and a very good back to business.

00:25:55:09 - 00:25:55:17

00:25:55:17 - 00:25:58:18
Well, listen, that
brings us to the end of this first episode

00:25:58:18 - 00:26:02:05
of the C-speak podcast
by Forvis Mazars.

00:26:03:00 - 00:26:05:09
I want to thank Helen and Asam

00:26:05:09 - 00:26:08:17
for joining us
and for sharing your expertise.

00:26:08:17 - 00:26:13:05
I know both of you, as all
our partners, are always happy to

00:26:13:15 - 00:26:16:15
to talk to people and on whatever topics

00:26:16:15 - 00:26:20:05
are of interest and ensure
people can reach out to if they want to.

00:26:20:05 - 00:26:24:02
To hear a bit more, I'd like to thank
everyone who's listening to us.

00:26:24:02 - 00:26:28:07
We really do hope the podcast helps you to
to begin to navigate

00:26:28:07 - 00:26:29:06
some of the challenges of

00:26:29:06 - 00:26:32:11
what is a really interesting and complex
business environment at the moment.

00:26:33:00 - 00:26:36:06
If you enjoyed the show,
please do subscribe on Apple Podcasts

00:26:36:06 - 00:26:39:12
or Spotify or wherever
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00:26:40:01 - 00:26:43:04
and be sure to come back
to our next episode, and we'll be

00:26:43:10 - 00:26:46:19
picking up on some other challenges
that face business leaders today.

00:26:47:05 - 00:26:50:18
Until then, this is Mark Kennedy
saying thank you from Forvis Mazars.


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