What does the C-suite barometer 2023 reveal for the mobility sector?

We asked C-suite executives in the mobility sector for their views of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Optimism in the face of ongoing challenges

Our study found that 92% of mobility sector leaders have a positive outlook for growth in 2023. This is despite external trends like rising energy prices, inflation, and competition which are still ongoing challenges.

C-Suite - Mobility - Ongoing challenges

Top strategic priorities for the sector in the next five years

Leaders in the sector reveal that the priorities their businesses will focus on in the next five years are: a new or revised talent attraction/retention strategy; international expansion; and restructuring and cost reduction.

C-Suite_Mobility_top strategic priorities

Embracing a digital world

C-suite executives expect emerging technologies to have a big impact on their organisations. For this reason, understanding automation and Web3 Technologies and concepts, like blockchain, smart contracts and decentralisation, will be essential for their future growth.

With new technologies come higher cyber security risks and the mobility sector seems less confident than others in managing these potential risks. 


C-Suite - Mobility - Digital world

Investing in a sustainable future

The mobility sector is falling behind global peers in ESG and sustainability reporting. Thirty-two percent say significant effort is still needed to meet ESG reporting requirements. Data quality and tracking are the biggest challenges.

C-Suite - Mobility - Global vs mobility

Recognising the importance of diversity and talent

Gender equality and diversity is not reflected in the most senior positions. Just 34% of businesses report above 30% of top strategic decision makers to be female, lower than the global average and lowest out of all sectors.

C-Suite - Mobility - Leadership roles

A new talent attraction and retention strategy is top of the sector agenda. The quality of colleagues, teamwork, interesting work and the opportunity to work remotely are all seen as essential for attracting top talent; but training and development overall is the most important.

Mazars C-suite barometer

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