Tech transformation - driven by genuine business needs or FOMO?

According to our latest C-suite barometer, transforming company technology is the top strategic priority for boards over the next 3-5 years. However, are large scale tech transformations always the right way forward, and what must executives do to make them a success?

Digital transformation, new technology and generative AI are the buzzwords of the day, so it is no surprise that tech transformation is a top priority for boards. While exciting, such transformations also carry significant risks so must be thought-through and well planned.

Organisations must be careful to avoid ‘jumping on the bandwagon’ and enacting tech transformations because they feel they should or may become obsolete if they don’t. Transformations must be business-led rather than tech-led.

This means that executives must first make sure the business is ready for a transformation and have a clear business case and associated ROI. Solid technological foundations must already be in place and the underlying data must be reliable and useful. Executives must also consider their people, the wider organisational and strategic context, and the other transformations that are occurring to avoid transformation fatigue.

Listen to the latest edition of our C-speak podcast series to hear Asam Malik, Technology & Digital Consulting Services Lead, Helen Parker, Strategy Consulting Services Lead, and Mark Kennedy, Forvis Mazars Board Member, discuss these issues in more detail.

Podcast link (TBC)

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