IFPR – ICARA Process video series

The new prudential regime for investment firms, the IFPR, entered into force on January 1st 2022, and firms continue their journey towards full compliance. Our experts discussed in detail some of the most topical questions that have arisen since the beginning of the year.













How Mazars can help

Our experienced regulatory compliance and risk management specialists will draw upon their detailed understanding of prudential changes, regulatory expectations, and best practices to provide high-quality services tailored to support your transition to IFPR.

  • Advice on a technical interpretation of the new prudential regime requirements
  • Assess the impact and understand firm-wide opportunities, challenges and changes required
  • Design and project manage an action plan
  • Design and implement changes to processes, models, systems, and controls
  • Post-implementation review of processes, reports, and documentation to assess and confirm compliance
  • Deliver bespoke training to your teams to increase awareness around the new prudential regime

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