
Listed below you will find the latest events from Mazars Spain.
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Solvencia II: Jornadas Formativas

Mazars organiza unas jornadas destinadas a cubrir de una manera íntegra y global los principales retos y cambios que supone la entrada en vigor de la futura normativa relacionada con Solvencia II.

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Comparativo Francia-España en materia laboral, fiscal y contable

La sesión se centrará en los aspectos más relevantes que en materia laboral, fiscal y contable puede considerar una empresa española que se implante en Francia.

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Internal Audit of Information Systems

Internal Audit of Information Systems. Audit Plan. Budget. Overlap and Communication Problems with Systems’ Area.

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How to integrate the Map of Technological Risk with the Map of Company Risk?

At Breakfast, we will discuss the steps needed to draw a Map of Technological Risks, and the aspects to consider in order to incorporate it into the Map of Company Risks.

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