
Listed below you will find the latest events from Mazars Spain.
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Company Valuation

This breakfast will deal, in a practical approach, with main problems that should be taken into account in the enterprises assessment.

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“Welcome Back from the Summer Cocktail” with the British Chamber of Commerce

Mazars has the pleasure of sponsoring the welcome back from the summer cocktail that the British Chamber of Commerce has organized for next Tuesday the 28th of September.

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Reforma de la Ley de medidas de lucha contra la morosidad - Madrid

El pasado 3 de diciembre Mazars ofreció en Madrid el desayuno ‘Análisis práctico de la reforma de la Ley de medidas de lucha contra la morosidad’ que abordó la reforma introducida por la Ley 15/2010 de 5 de julio, que modificaba la Ley 3/2004, y por la que se establecen medidas de lucha contra la morosidad de las operaciones comerciales.

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Assurance of the responsibility of the administrators and high direction

During the breakfast, Marsh, a world company of Risk Consultancy and Insurance Brokerage, and Mazars will tackle, in a practical approach and in the context of economic crisis, the main problems that could affect the responsibility of the administrators and the high charges of the enterprises.

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Fixed assets impairment test

Breakfast will deal, in a practical approach, with main problems that financial departments have to tackle during the application of fixed assets impairment test

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Forum of ICADE

Madrid - 4 and 5 of November 2009

Yearly, the Universidad Pontificia Comillas offers the students the possibility to get in direct contact with several companies and other organisms by means of the Foro Comillas Empleo organisation. Lasts 4th and 5th of November it took place the eleventh edition, on which there were 93 companies who participated, all of them leaders in their sectors.

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Automated process audit. Hidden Risk to the auditor

La responsabilidad penal de la empresa ante la reforma del Código Penal - Madrid

El pasado 16 de diciembre tuvo lugar en Madrid el desayuno sobre ‘La responsabilidad penal de la empresa ante la reciente reforma del Código Penal’.

Contamos con la presencia de D. José Grau Gassó, magistrado de la Audiencia Provincial de Barcelona y con D. Javier Puyol Montero, magistrado y letrado del Tribunal Constitucional.

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Desayunos Mazars

Mazars organiza mensualmente Desayunos de Formación para empresas sobre temas financieros,estratégicos,reestructuring,gestión de riesgos, fiscales, legales así como de Auditoría interna y Control Interno.

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