Andrea Cibulová Senior Manager, Tax
Andrea, with over 9 years of experience in tax, manages Mazars tax office located in Košice. Andrea is specializing in corporate taxation, value added tax and transfer pricing of international large and medium-sized companies. During her practice, Andrea has been engaged in many projects in various sectors (manufacturing, retail, automotive, services, etc. ). Andrea started her career with Mazars in 2011 and speaks English.
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Pages associated to Andrea Cibulová
- 19.3. webinar: Transaction tax and new developments in corporate income tax
- Webinar replay: What will 2022 bring in the area of income tax?
- Other fringe benefits
- Social fund benefits
- Recreation vouchers
- Transport of employees to work
- Accommodation for employees
- Employees’ training
- Mobile phone, notebook and other assets used for private purposes
- Business car for private purposes
- Meal contribution
- Employee fringe benefits in 2022 from the taxation perspective
- Catering of employees and self-employed persons from the tax perspective as from 1 January 2022
- Finančný príspevok na stravovanie z daňového hľadiska
- 28.1. webinar: Corporate income tax 2021