後新冠肺炎疫情及可持續世代下的移動出行業使普羅大眾對未來的移動出行生態圈、政府及消費者的角色、以及汽車,物流及航空領域的可持續增長機會,能作更深入的了解。 欲閱讀系列中由Mazars集團國際專家撰寫的其他文章,請點擊此處。
Getting from A to B has never been so complicated. Covid-19 has massively altered the way people, goods and services move. But not all of these changes are brand new. Business leaders have long been searching for safe, efficient and sustainable ways to get the job done.
As the planet heats up, governments and societies expect the mobility sector to bring carbon emissions down.
Transport is responsible for 16% of global greenhouse gas emissions, and emissions are rising.
To reach net zero, transport and the mobility ecosystem need to reverse this trend.
While every country’s transportation sector faces similar challenges to reducing emissions, most have taken very different approaches to getting there. In recent years, China has emerged as a lab for new mobility ideas with innovative policy measures, technology, and business models.
And today China is the world’s biggest market for electric vehicles.
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