China tax newsletters

Mazars’ comments on tax issues in the People’s Republic of China.

2019年4月 - 外籍人士个人所得税新政详解

2019年3月14日, 财政部和国家税务总局联合公布了三则与外籍个人相关的个人所得税文件:
-《关于在中国境内无住所的个人居住时间判定标准的公告》(财政部 税务总局公告2019年第34号,以下简称“34号公告”);
-《关于非居民个人和无住所居民个人有关个人所得税政策的公告》(财政部 税务总局公告2019年第35号,以下简称“35号公告”);
-《关于粤港澳大湾区个人所得税优惠政策的通知》(财政部 税务总局公告2019年第31号,以下简称“31号公告”)。

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April 2019 - More Interpretations on Individual Income Tax for Expatriates

On March 14th, 2019, the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration (“STA”) jointly issued 3 important circulars in relation to PRC Individual Income Tax (“IIT”) for expatriates.

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2019年4月 - 增值税改革有关变化和影响


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March 2019 - VAT rates are falling from 1 April 2019

On 5th March 2019, China Premier, Mr. Li Keqiang announced that the current VAT rates for manufacturing industries and transport and construction industries will be reduced as a measure to beef up the economy. The actual implementation date will be 1st April 2019. When the new VAT rates are implemented, they shall be changed to 13%, 9%, 6% and 0% accordingly.

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January 2019 - PRC Individual Income Tax Implementation Rules and related Circulars finalized

In the past month, the Chinese authority has issued various circulars detailing the new rules and regulations on the individual income tax (“IIT”). The final Implementation Rules (the “Implementation Rules”) and the circulars are to implement the new IIT law passed by the Peoples’ Congress in August, 2018.

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