Draco Fong interviewed by ACCA Accounting and Business magazine (July 2021)

Draco Fong, our audit and assurance partner at Mazars in Hong Kong was interviewed by ACCA Accounting and Business magazine and shared valuable insights regarding his track to partnership and advises towards young accountants about their career path in the accountancy industry.

He agrees that mentoring can help people understand more about industry norms, and provide them with valuable comments & industry experience, which helps their personal development.

In addition, he advises young accountants to be willing to listen and understand different points of view, to embrace new things &  be prepared to take on challenges. It is important to be constantly learning, and to keep up to date with the frequent changes in accounting, auditing and other standards and regulations.

Click here to read the full article.

Credits: Accounting and Business magazine, 21st July 2021   


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