Stephen Weatherseed interviewed by Hong Kong Business magazine (4 March 2020)

Our Managing Partner, Stephen Weatherseed, is featured in the latest issue of Hong Kong Business magazine. In the article "Accounting difficulties lie ahead as Hong Kong sinks into recession", he shared his insights on accounting sector’s outlook for the year 2020.

The accounting sector’s outlook for the year 2020 is mixed as some services are expected to be highly in-demand, whilst some have been severely impacted by political and economic uncertainties.

“Changes in the accounting sector for 2020 will likely be slower growth to go with the slowdown in the economy and because of squeezes on fees, clients will be looking for efficiencies as well. All in all, it’s going to be a difficult year,” said Stephen Weatherseed, managing partner at Mazars Hong Kong.

To read the full article, please download the pdf below.

Credit: Nathanielle Punay, Hong Kong Business magazine (4 March 2020)


Accounting difficulties lie ahead as Hong Kong sinks into recession - 3 March 2020.pdf