Mazars in Hong Kong webinar: HKFRS update 2022 (15 February 2023)

The webinar on recent updates of HKFRS delivered on 15 February 2023 attracted over 270 attendees delivered by our Quality & Assurance Partner, Leo Cheuk and Senior Manager, Jack Choi from Mazars in Hong Kong.

They shared the annual update of the HKFRS update as well as new concepts and pitfalls in the application of the existing requirements and other main points the accounting professionals need to take note of.

This webinar covered the following amendments in particular:

  • Amendment to HKFRS 1: First-time Adoption of Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards
  • Amendments to HKFRS 9: Financial Instruments - Fees in the ‘10 per cent’ Test for Derecognition
  • Amendments to HKFRS 16: Leases - Illustrative Examples
  • Amendments to HKAS 41: Agriculture – Fair value measurements
  • Amendments to HKAS 37: Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets - Onerous Contracts - Cost of Fulfilling a Contract
  • Amendments to HKFRS 3: Business Combinations - Reference to the Conceptual Framework
  • Amendments to HKAS 16: Property, Plant and Equipment—Proceeds before Intended Use

The webinar was well-received. If you would like to know more about our webinar, please contact us. 

