Surveys & studies

You will find here all the reports, surveys and studies prepared by Forvis Mazars' experts

Mazars 2017 U.S. Water Industry Outlook

Mazars USA has released its biennial US Water Industry Outlook for the year 2017. Water is vital to the U.S. economy and forms the backbone of many industries, and many sectors will face major water challenges in the coming years. This study contains information on the key focus areas of global water companies: Innovation, Cybersecurity, Finance and the Future of the Industry.

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The Future of Financial Services: Transforming an industry

In partnership with the Economist Intelligence Unit, Mazars has developed a unique programme of thought leadership to examine the current challenges the Financial Services industry is facing. The series of articles focuses on the current transformation of the financial services industry and its likely shape in the future from three different but related perspectives: technological, regulatory and business model transformation.

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Venturing Abroad

The Economist Intelligence Unit wrote a series of articles sponsored by Mazars focusing on five challenges facing SMEs venturing abroad for the first time. Indeed, the challenges of operating in an unfamiliar environment are daunting, but offer tremendous potential.

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2016 Aerospace Study

Mazars Group is pleased to present you with ‘Supplier of the Fittest: How to manage significant increases in production effectively’, our new global publication in the Aerospace & Defense industry.

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Report on Business Social Compliance

The Road from principles to practice/ Today’s challenges for business in respecting human rights is a global report by The Economist Intelligence Unit sponsored by Mazars and a group of organisations including multinational companies, governments , NGO and law firm.

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Key points of the financial communication of insurance groups

The large insurance groups have once again prepared their financial statements under a stable framework that awaits the adoption of IFRS 4 phase 2 (which is still subject to debate) and in a changeable economic and regulatory context with the implementation of Solvency 2 and the designation of systemic players.

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2013 French fashion and luxury study

To strengthen the competitiveness of the fashion and luxury industry value-chains, a committee led by the French Ministry in charge of competitiveness, industry and services* has commissioned Mazars to conduct a study to “identify all French fashion and luxury industry players and map their contributions to external trade” – a first step in the major challenge of ensuring the industry’s sustainability.

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How to be a "Stand out SME"

A Performance Study of the EU SME Sector for the Period 2008 - 2013

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Why do leading European construction and engineering groups seem to be immune to the crisis in the sector?

In spite of current market challenges, the main European construction and engineering groups appeared to be unaffected by the crisis, posting strikingly positive performances in term of both activity and margins.

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Male/female relations: What do men think?

An international survey conducted by Mazars and WoMen'Up analyses the perspectives of men from 60 nationalities on evolving male/female relations.

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