Paul She as the adjudicator for the 2016-2017 HKICPA Accounting and Business Management Case Competition

Paul She, Practising Director of Audit and Assurance at Mazars Hong Kong as well as the member of Qualification and Examinations Board of the HKICPA, was one of the adjudication panels of the 2016-2017 HKICPA Accounting and Business Management Case Competition. The event was taken place at HKICPA Auditorium on 29 April 2017. This year, there were 526 teams with 1,808 students from around 150 schools have joined in both Level 1 and Level 2 competitions.
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“This time, there were some really outstanding performances from the participating teams from the secondary school, in fact, their performances were even comparable to that of University students, which is quite surprising!” To enter the final round of the Competition – the oral presentation, all the participating teams had to submit a written business proposal analysing the business performance of the chosen corporate and to give recommendations on strategies to sustain the company’s growth. Six finalist teams were then selected to enter the oral competition and had 15 minutes to present the key points of their proposal and demonstrate their analytical and problem-solving skills, followed by a 5 minutes’ Q&As session from the adjudicators.

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“During the 15 mins oral presentations, all the participating teams delivered a lively, interesting and interactive approach of presentations instead of a boring and dull one of just presenting a report. Their performances were very professional, and all of the audiences enjoyed their presentations a lot.” “This competition was also a good way for the students to understand that Accounting and Business Management is more than a routine work and is not just about financial figures of a company, in fact, it is vital for designing the business strategies of a company and to foster the long-term growth and sustainability of a company”, Paul commented.

To read the full article, please see the pdf attachment below.

Credits: Article written by Ming Pao (2017-5-9, Tuesday: A10)


2017 HKICPA QP Event (Ming Pao)

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