"Little Britain’s Big Gamble" - A+ Magazine (Aug 2016)
scratched their heads wondering “now what?”
Stephen Weatherseed was featured in August issue of A Plus Magazine where he talks about how Brexit may impact the city, the profession and their clients.
Stephen Weatherseed, Managing Director at Mazars Hong Kong and an Institute member, cautions that while Brexit will lead to an increase in work for accountants in some respects, other areas may become quieter.“The uncertainty over the next two years or so will not be helpful for business, and we have already had clients asking us to restructure potential investments and trading with Europe taking Brexit into account. So while we expect to see more demand for our tax consultants over the next two years or so, we are also likely to face a slow down in merger and acquisition inquiries using the U.K. as an entry point for Europe.”Accounting firms are also keeping an eye on how U.K. regulators react as Brexit is carried out.
To read the full article, please click here.
Credits: James Kelly for A+ Magazine, August 2016 issue