Tax consulting and certification

We provide our clients with Tax Consulting and Certification Services with our Sworn Financial Advisors and CPAs. We conduct regular tax audits on our clients and the results of these audits are reported to the client’s management. These tax audits are designed to verify the compliance of tax and accounting practices of the clients with the tax legislation and regulations as well as to help the clients designate the tax planning tools suitable to their respective and unique circumstances. Additionally, we inform our clients with our circulars regularly with regards to the changes and amendments made to the current tax legislation and other related regulations by e-mail.

The scope of tax consulting and certification services we offer to our clients are grouped under four main headings:

Tax Certification Services

  • Audit of statutory books and documents and all related financial statements in accordance with the tax legislation
  • Correction of errors and irregularities detected during the audit
  • Review of the provisional tax return declarations with regards to the compliance with the tax legislation
  • Certification of corporate tax return declarations after the review with regards to the compliance with the tax legislation
  • Preparation of the Tax Certification Report
  • Presentation of interim tax audit (revision) reports to the clients

Other Tax Certification Service

  • Value Added Tax (VAT) refund reports
  • Report on the paid-in capital
  • Reports identifying the balance sheet items that may be added to the capital
  • Preparation of Sworn Financial Advisor Confirmation Reports in cases of mergers, split-offs or changes in legal status, as required under the Turkish Commercial Law
  • Assessment and certification reports for Sworn Financial Advisor expenses associated with TUBITAK – TEYDEB Projects
  • Certification of incomes exempt from corporate tax
  • Certification of financial statements to be submitted to banks to receive loans and letters of credit
  • Free Trade Zone Certification Report
  • Certification of other business transactions subject to certification under Law No. 3568 and the Tax Procedure Law
  • Preparation of reports for refund of Special Consumption Tax

Tax Consulting Services

  • Individual and/or Institutional (Corporate) Tax Consulting
  • Tax consulting and due diligence for mergers, split-offs, legal status changes and acquisitions
  • Consultancy on tax inspections by tax authorities
  • Consultancy on tax reconciliations
  • Consultancy on tax litigation (drafting petitions and advisory services throughout litigations)
  • Development, instalment, control and application of cost accounting systems
  • Accounting audits tailored to clients’ specific needs
  • Tax Fraud and Corruption Audits
  • Consulting on tax incentives and exemptions
  • Auditing and consulting services for fiscal efficiency analyses and good corporate governance practices
  • Provision of training for accounting staff and testing their professional competence
  • Consulting on foreign investments, investment incentives, European Union grants, foreign exchange regulations and Free Trade Zone procedures
  • Consulting on tax incentive legislation and applications for incentives
  • Delivery of notices and newsletters on changes to tax legislation and on technical issues along with relevant tax opinions and advices

Revision Services

  • Review of statutory books for procedural compliance and certification purposes in accordance with the Tax Procedure Law and the Turkish Commercial Code
  • Review of VAT, Withholding Tax and Stamp Duty returns and Social Security disclosures
  • Review of payrolls
  • Review of sales invoices issued, income and expense accounts and their accruals
  • Review of the accounting system used in order to verify its compliance with the General Communiqué in force on the Application of the Accounting System
  • Review of assets and liabilities accounts, other than those listed above, via sampling method within the framework of the applicable accounting principles and tax legislation and other related regulations as well as with regards to the periodicity principle
  • Reporting the results of the tax revisions findings and related advisory opinions to the client’s management

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