Process automation and digitalisation

A strategic, cutting edge approach to increasing efficiency

The latest generation of automation tools are changing the way companies manage their business processes. For companies seeking an edge over their competitors, they can help to dramatically increase accuracy, boost performance and cut costs. They also mean employees can focus on more value-added work, which is important as talent seeks jobs that are more strategic and meaningful. We can help you put in place intelligent automation that transforms your organisation.

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Our team

Our team has more than 20 people and is composed of business consultants with experience from various industries and programmers focused on process automation. We consider it important to have process and operational efficiency specialists and specialised programmers, as each of these areas requires a different profile and experience.

Our unique position

We are Mazars' global competence center for process robotics and related technologies such as intelligent document processing, chatbots and process data analytics. We work for important clients from various industries not only in Slovakia, but largely across Europe. We design and implement solutions that automate services for global as well as local clients.

Our methodology reflects our experience from dozens of automations. We are also engaged in research and development of new solutions.

Our results

  • Typical return on our automations: 3-8 months
  • Typical deployment time of an automated process: 3-6 weeks
  • Average identified savings after implementation of process analytics: 22%

Our approach

Process automation tools are expanding the range of administrative tasks that can be processed by robots, reducing costs and freeing up skilled staff for more challenging projects across finance, sales, HR and the back office. At Mazars, we advocate a strategic approach in order to maximise a realistic return on investment.

The ideal first step is the implementation of a pilot project (Proof of Concept or Proof of Value), in which we automate the first processes for the client. Subsequently, we help the client to select other processes that make sense to automate.

This choice is very important, as one of the most common reasons for the failure of an RPA deployment in a company is the wrong choice of processes. For this purpose, we use our evaluation model, which is based on our rich experience. The second option is to use the tools of process analytics - process mining or task mining.

We also work alongside our management consulting teams to help with the cultural change process that helps process automation succeed. 

Our services

  • Proof of Concept (POC). This is the first step in starting your RPA journey. POC involves analysis, design and implementation of one or a couple of processes to demonstrate RPA capabilities in your business. This provides an opportunity to test robots in real situations and environments and verify that it delivers to your needs and expectations. You will have a fully functional process automation in 3-6 weeks.
  • Opportunity assessment. This type of engagement involves assessing processes, analysing data, facilitating workshops and calculating business cases to build a prioritised pipeline for process automation. It might include assessment of suitable RPA tools for your organisation as well.
  • Selection of RPA platform. Based on assessing your requirements and our extensive knowledge and market overview, we can advise you on selecting the right RPA tool for your business and situation.
  • Full scale implementation. End-to-end delivery of RPA automation in your organisation includes analysis and optimisation of processes, preparation of procedures for robots, development and testing of RPA scripts and deployment to the live environment. Depending on the complexity, this usually takes 2-12 months to deliver and you get the results (automated processes) continuously, not at the end.
  • Maintenance. We provide you with ongoing support after go-live, adjusting the robots to reflect changes in your systems or processes as they occur.
  • Set-up of Centre of Excellence (CoE). We can help you to build an RPA CoE within your organisation to ensure you are maximising the value delivered from RPA. This involves setting up the methodology, organisation, processes, roles and technologies to be used within the CoE, implementing the CoE and assuring quality of its delivery.
  • RPA as a managed service. We can host parts of the RPA process in our cloud environment, reducing complexity and maintenance for your organisation and team.

Our tools and solutions

We are not dependent on any RPA platform and we can choose the best solution for each client. However, we have partnered with leading RPA vendors so that you can get the software at a better price without entering into a complex contractual relationship with the vendor.

For the purposes of process analytics and also the selection of suitable processes for automation, we work with the best process mining and task mining tools, always selected according to the needs of our clients.

If it is necessary to use the so-called intelligent automation, i.e. RPA with the extension of artificial intelligence, we have several technologies available in the field of intelligent document processing or natural language processing (chatbots). We use these if the input for robotic processing is unstructured, e.g. comes in various templates or as free text.

Our references

Our clients include leading companies in their industries:

  • Asahi
  • Arval
  • BNP Paribas
  • CRH
  • Dôvera zdravotná poisťovňa (see the case study)
  • Dr. Max
  • Enel X
  • Mall Group
  • Prvá stavebná sporiteľňa

Concrete examples of automation

  • For CRH, we have automated more than 20 processes in their financial business services center across all areas.
  • For the Dôvera insurance company we have automated the control of medical invoices, special health care invoices and dental invoices. Automation extracts information from the invoice and compares it with the information in the system. Find out more in the case study.
  • For Prvá stavebná sporiteľňa, we automated the process of resolving execution orders by retrieving information on execution, analysing balances on the client´s account and freezing funds on the account.
  • For Asahi, we have automated the creation of purchase orders (PO) and the processing of goods receipts (GR), while robotisation is provided as service running in a cloud environment.
  • For Internet Mall companies, we have automated the setting of product prices in the e-shop during various campaigns, running throughout the year.
  • For Arval, we have automated the processing of data on fines of their leasing clients.
  • For Den Hartogh (Netherlands), we automated the extraction of information from several ports on the status of shipping containers and the updating of data in the internal system.
  • For Societe Generale Insurance (Russia), we have automated the posting of bank statements in several systems
  • For Enel X (Ireland), we have established a center of excellence for RPA, including training people and setting up a methodology.

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