
At Forvis Mazars, we inform you about the recent developments and rules and regulations that can have impact on you or your organisation. Would you like to minimise your risks and maximise your opportunities? We have listed several noteworthy news items that can be of use to you.

Register obligation in January 2023

23 December 2022 - Do you pay workers or service providers who are not employed by you? Unless the service provider issues an invoice with VAT, you must provide information on these payments to the tax authorities. This is called the information reporting obligation.

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CESOP: new reporting obligations

1 June 2023 - You still have a few months to prepare for the new reporting requirements. The Central Electronic System of Payment information – CESOP will apply to payment service providers (PSPs) from 1 January 2024,based on the Dutch First Chamber's approval of a legislative proposal to share payment information between member states from April 2023.

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EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM): Ensuring your supply chain is compliant

20 December 2022 - The European Commission presented in July 2021 its ambitious Fit for 55 legislation package, which supports its commitment to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions within the EU by at least 55% by 2030 (compared to 1990). From an international trade point of view, the most important part of the package is the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM).

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Government response to evaluation of fiscal business succession schemes

16 December 2022 - On 9 December, the government decided not to abolish the business succession regime (BOR) in gift and inheritance tax, but to adjust it where needed. This is in response to the Central Planning Bureau's evaluation report on the business succession regime (BOR) in gift and inheritance tax and the pass-through scheme (DSR) in income tax, published earlier this year.

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'Jubelton': deferred gifting in 2022 and 2023

15 December 2022 - From 1 January 2023, the one-off increased gift exemption for owner-occupied housing, better known as the 'jubilee bonus', will be reduced to €28,947. By gifting in instalments, it is possible, under certain conditions, to use the current exemption of €106,671 in 2022 and 2023, without having to pay the entire amount of the gift to the donee in 2022. Recently, the Tax Office provided more clarity on this possibility.

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100 tips voor de transport- en logistieksector

12 december 2022 - De ontwikkelingen in de transport- en logistieksector volgen elkaar razendsnel op. Uiteenlopende regelgeving, wijzigingen en het invoeren van passende maatregelen komen allemaal aan bod in de alsmaar groeiende sector. Daarom hebben wij voor u een lijst met 100 essentiële tips opgesteld, waarvan wij de belangrijkste hieronder toelichten.

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DAC 7 - Also leads to new VAT requirements

12 december 2022 - The digitalization of the economy has been growing over recent years. The amount of goods and services offered on digital platforms has increased significantly. As of 1 January 2023, certain compliance aspects concerning digital platforms will be subject to change.

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Random depreciation on new business assets in 2023

6 December 2022 - Following discussions with MKB-Nederland and VNO-NCW, the government has decided to open up the possibility of random (accelerated) depreciation on new business assets in 2023. This measure is aimed at preserving liquidity among SMEs. The random depreciation will apply to both corporate and income tax. The exact conditions have yet to be worked out in regulations.

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Key developments in sustainability reporting

6 December 2022 - Recently, important and impactful decisions have been taken regarding the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

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Column Pieter Tra | December: de donkere maand

1 december 2022 - Deze definitie van de maand december klinkt nogal negatief. Zeker als daarbij de volgende weerspreuk wordt meegenomen: ‘December zacht en dikwijls regen, geeft weinig hoop op rijke zegen’.

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Avoid being held accountable as a hirer

24 November 2022 - Recently, there has been another case where a hirer has been held accountable for payroll tax debts unpaid by the lender.

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