Due to continuous change and increasing regulations, managers, directors and supervisors wonder whether their company or organisation is 'in control'. Do they have a clear picture of the risks, which governance is needed, are control processes adjusted according to the changes and is the on-board crew adequately trained for a safe voyage? In both the private and public sectors, there is a growing demand for advice and support in the fields of (corporate) governance, risk management, internal control and internal audit. The Forvis Mazars-team - selected based on their long practical experience - will work together with you on tailor-made solutions.
What else we can assist you with
For your company to perform to the best of its abilities, it has to be set up properly. After all, your employees will flourish only in the right circumstances. Forvis Mazars' HR specialists understand that HR forms the heart of your business. They will help you to set up your organisational structure properly, they will help you out with HR matters and offer advice about possible improvements.
New technologies and digital developments are bringing changes to every organisation. How you're going to deal with these issues is an important question – not just for you, but for your customers, shareholders, employees and suppliers. Words like cloud, analytics, blockchain and robotics are popping up all the time these days. What's the best way to incorporate these developments into your strategy?...
The world is increasingly digitalising. New developments and their impact on the changing IT landscape mean that organisations need to move with it. Many organisations are looking for independent verification that they are following security guidelines correctly. ISO 27001 certification may therefore also be for you.
IT can no longer be ignored in our current society. IT-related tools are increasingly used as part of the primary service provision and are crucial for the continuity of an organisation. Having the right systems, adequate management information and proper security of company information, personal data and intellectual property is an absolute necessity.