
At Forvis Mazars, we inform you about the recent developments and rules and regulations that can have impact on you or your organisation. Would you like to minimise your risks and maximise your opportunities? We have listed several noteworthy news items that can be of use to you.

Alle kansen voor uw personeels- en salarisadministratie goed benut

1 maart 2023 - Heeft u als werkgever alle aspecten van uw personeels- en salarisadministratie inzichtelijk en onder controle? U wilt namelijk niet voor onnodige en financiële verrassingen komen te staan. Daarnaast kunnen kansen voor uw onderneming optimaal benut worden. Hierbij valt te denken aan eventuele subsidies, afdrachtsverminderingen en (loonkosten)voordelen.

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Box 3: het aanhouden van vastgoed via een STAK en de gevolgen daarvan

24 februari 2023 - De staatssecretaris van Financiën heeft onlangs vragen van Kamerleden beantwoord over het ontwijken van de nieuwe box 3-heffing door vastgoed via een stichting administratiekantoor (hierna: STAK) te houden. Hij stelt dat belastingplichtigen die vastgoed via een STAK aanhouden niet op dezelfde manier moeten worden belast dan belastingplichtigen die rechtstreeks vastgoed in hun bezit hebben.

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European Parliament voted in favor of regulation to ban products made with forced labor

29 April 2024 - On 23 April 2024, the European Parliament’s voted in favour of a new Regulation which bans products made with forced labour from the EU single market. Below we briefly discuss the most important aspects of this new Regulation.

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Tax rate to rise to 10,5% for corporate tax from 1 March 2023 onward

14 February 2023 - As of 1 January 2023, the legal interest for commercial transactions has risen from 8% to 10,5%. This increase affects tax interest calculated on a (provisional) corporate tax assessment with a payable amount. For income tax, the tax interest rate remains the same (4%). When do you owe tax interest and how can you reduce or avoid it?

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Pension and the standard of good employee conduct

13 February 2023 - Over the years, the judiciary has had several occasions to decide on amending a pension scheme. These were usually cases in which the employee did not agree with the change, which was then nevertheless implemented by the employer. Recently, employers have increasingly been invoking Section 7:611 of the Civil Code, "good employee conduct".

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Carbon footprint: take data-driven approach as basis

3 February 2023 - To determine the carbon footprint of your organisation you need data to measure the environmental impact of your business activities. This includes greenhouse emissions. With the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) the European Commission has adopted in April 2022, organisations that will come under the scope of the CSRD are required to report on it. It is still sensible to calculate your carbon footprint, even if your organisation doesn't come under the CSRD.

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ATAD3 update: Significant amendments recommended by the European Parliament

24 January 2023 – The European Parliament proposes significant amendments to the Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive, commonly known as ATAD3. ATAD3 seeks to prevent the misuse of so-called ‘Shell Companies’ for tax purposes. Compared to the initial draft Directive, the proposed amendments may provide relief for international organisations.

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European Commission publishes VAT in the Digital Age proposals

10 January 2023 - On 8 December 2022, the European Commission published the VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA) proposals. With these proposals, the European Commission wishes to adapt the VAT Directive (2006/112/EC) and other EU legislation to today’s digital reality.

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Outsourcing HR - Tips for the outsourcing decision

4 January 2023 - Staff shortages or insufficient knowledge sometimes make it difficult to continue doing all the required work. These are just two reasons why organisations are increasingly opting for outsourcing (secondary) processes, which is seen as a powerful and strategic tool. Outsourcing organisational processes allows you to focus on your organisation's core business and growth.

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Business succession in a family business: focus on numbers & feelings

3 January 2023 - Once there is question of business succession in a family business, securing a careful process is one of the first requirements. Especially in a family business, emotional aspects play a major role in addition to the financial aspects. Do you transfer the business to the next generation, or to a third party? How do you maintain the company's norms, values and traditions in the business transfer?

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Developments on the ANBI status in 2022 and 2023

2 January 2023 - 2023 will be an important year for ANBIs. This is because there is a lot of movement within the ANBI landscape. On 21 June 2022, the Supervision of Public Benefit Report was published. The main question in that report is what possibilities there are to better reflect the public benefit character of ANBIs.

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