Renee Pauli Senior Tax Advisor
Personal quote / vision
Working as a team and within the limits of the laws and regulations to arrive at advice that is correct and workable for the client.
Specialist experience
- Assisting companies in an accounting investigation initiated by the tax authorities in the field of payroll taxes
- M&A/Due diligence (Payroll taxes)
- Tax issues surrounding the hiring of the self-employed and temporary workers
- Employee participations
- DGA-problems (customary pay/compulsory employee insurance)
- Cost reimbursements, terms and conditions of employment and working expenses scheme (WKR)
- Cross-border employment, expats, salary splits, etc
Specific client experience
- Social organizations (public)
- International / nationally operating organizations
- Providing the payroll tax part of a Due Diligence (mostly for buying parties)
Education and work experience
- 1992 - 1997 | VU University Amsterdam, business law
- 1997 - 1999 | UvA Amsterdam, tax law
- 2000 - 2003 | NOB (Dutch Association of Tax Advisers)
- 2000 - 2004 | NautaDutilh, Rotterdam, tax advice
- 2004 - 2024 | Mazars NV, Amsterdam, tax advice
- 2024 - present | Forvis Mazars NV, Amsterdam, tax advice
Additional functions
- Presentations on the above subjects and contributes to various Mazars NV publications, magazines and author for the NDFR
Member of the Dutch Association of Tax Advisers (NOB)
Want to know more?
Pages associated to Renee Pauli
Who we are
- Assessing the self-employed worker's employment relationship using 9 points of view
- De risico’s van het inhuren van zzp’ers via een tussenpartij
- Verstrekking van gezonde lunchmaaltijd viel in 2017 en 2018 onder gerichte vrijstelling arbovoorzieningen
- New bill for working with freelancers: three criteria
- Approval of model agreements based on free substitution expires Jan. 1, 2024
- Director's tax position under tax treaties
- Terugkijken webinar | Auto en bestelauto van de zaak: wat zijn de fiscale valkuilen?
- Bezorgers van Deliveroo zijn géén zzp’ers
- Avoid being held accountable as a hirer
- Update NOW-deadlines
- Fixed expense reimbursements (net): rules and conditions
- Additional charge for private use of car
- The Assessment of Working Relationship Web Module is online
- Latest changes to the Fixed Charges Allowance
- Optimal use of the labor costs scheme
- Working with self-employed contractors - where does the legislator stand now?
- Working from home during the coronacrisis: the Home Work Quick Scan
- Masterclass 'Aandelengerelateerd belonen'
- Employment costs: bottlenecks and opportunities in the public sector
- Past u de werkkostenregeling goed toe?
- Forvis Mazars University
- Regeerakkoord: beperking looptijd 30%-regeling?