Working with self-employed contractors - where does the legislator stand now?

18 November 2020 - Within the public sector (sector-wide), self-employed contractors are frequently used, whether consciously or not. It is therefore important to keep abreast of the laws and regulations surrounding the hiring of these contractors. In this article, we provide an update on the Dutch Employment Relationship Deregulation Assessment Act (Wet Deregulering Beoordeling Arbeidsrelatie (DBA)).

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Do you require more information? Please contact Marco Zimmerman by e-mail or by telephone: +31 (0)88 277 20 65 or Renée Pauli by e-mail or by telephone: +31 (0)88 277 24 38 or Martin Aandewiel by e-mail or by telephone: +31 (0)88 277 13 96. They will be happy to help you.

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