H. Nagy Daniel Partner, Head of Tax and Legal Services
Dr. Dániel H. Nagy is a partner of Forvis Mazars Kft. He joined Forvis Mazars in 2016. Dániel is a qualified lawyer, as well as qualified accountant and tax consultant. In addition to the domestic tax system, he has an excellent knowledge of the operation of the tax authority and has gained many years of experience in the interpretation and application of legislation related to public charges imposed on companies. In addition to legal interpretation, he gained considerable practical experience in the examination of tax audit and enforcement procedures. As a tax consultant, he participated in the development and evaluation of numerous international tax structures, and also has considerable experience in the analysis of double taxation situations. In this LL.M. (Master of Law) qualification, which he obtained at King's College in London, in the field of international taxation, also supported him. Dr. Dániel H. Nagy also has extensive experience in the training of tax law specialists, and speaks English and German.
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Pages associated to H. Nagy Daniel
- Tax consultancy and tax planning services
- Invoicing system review
- R&D allowances
- Tax relief for employers of unskilled workers
- Corporate Income Tax- tax planning instead of tax calculation
- Real-time data disclosure
- VAT planning- a more efficient business structure
- Tax-effective design of business transactions
- Tax advisory services
- Compliance services
- COVID- 19 Global Tax and Law Tracker
- Coronavirus: useful tasks for companies
- VAT consultancy – The VAT treatment of International transactions
- Foreign VAT refund- Refund of VAT paid in an EU member state
- Automatic domestic purchase report services
- Real-time data disclosure
- Transfer Pricing database from Forvis Mazars
- Company portal registration and company portal representation in Hungary
- Other services
- PIT, social tax and SS advisory services
- VAT registration and VAT compliance services
- Electronic invoicing from A to Z
- VAT compliance services
- Customs and excise duty advisory services
- Fiscal representation in Hungary
- Overview of invoicing system
- EKAER consultancy?- We will help to apply EKAER in practise
- VAT planning- a more efficient business structure
- Coordinating tax registration abroad
- Corporate tax
- Cost- efficient promotions
- Advertising tax
- Reducing the environmental product fee and extended producer responsibility fee- planning and optimisation
- Legal services
- Tax representation and tax due diligence – managing tax risks
- Taxation of international employment - Expatriate services – tax return preparation for private individuals
- VAT advisory services
- Flat-rate tax and legal consulting service
- Transfer pricing
- Tax advisory and legal services
- What to pay attention to before the end of the year?
- End-of-Year Tax Changes: What to expect from 2025?
- Forvis Mazars at the CEE Property Forum 2024
- Adó Webinárium - Fókuszban a 2025-ös legfontosabb változások
- Adóoptimalizálás 2025: november 20-ig dönthetnek a cégek a csoportos társasági adózásról
- Attention: Important deadline! Choosing to enter into corporate income tax groups until 20 November
- Hamarosan lejár a külföldi áfa visszaigénylésének határideje
- The deadline for submitting refund applications for VAT paid abroad is approaching
- A kötelező munkaalkalmassági orvosi vizsgálat eltörlése és adózása 2024 szeptemberétől
- What tax changes has the summer of 2024 brought?
- From Green to Red: Tax changes related to Plug-in Hybrid cars
- The Artificial Intelligence Act
- The deadline is approaching to complete the registration required by the CyberCert Act
- Megjelent a Mazars 2024-es közép- és kelet-európai adókalauza
- Forvis Mazars Central and Eastern European tax guide 2024
- Milliókat is spórolhatunk egy adóaudittal, mielőtt kopogtat a NAV
- Where will NTA knock next?
- Doing business in Hungary 2024
- New developments and issues in relation to the entry and stay of third-country nationals
- In the focus: Changes in the rules of tax benefits related to energy efficiency
- The rules of consumer protection are changing, webshops are required to amend their GTCs
- Participation exemption ’amnesty’
- What to pay attention to before the end of the year?
- Tax law changes 2023-2024 part 5 - The summer and autumn tax law changes on certain sectoral and other taxes
- Tax law changes 2023-2024 Part 4 - The changing system of R&D tax incentives
- Environmental liability insurance: Who is affected and what is the deadline?
- Tax law changes in 2023-2024- Part 3 - Changes to VAT and excise duty introduced by the summer and autumn tax packages
- Tax law changes in 2023-2024- Part 2
- Tax law changes in 2023-2024- Part 1
- In focus: The global minimum tax
- Adó Webinárium - Fókuszban a 2024-es legfontosabb változások
- In what case is the appointment of a consumer protection officer mandatory?
- Fontos határidő!: október 20-áig esedékes az első EPR-adatszolgáltatás
- Adó Webinárium - A globális minimumadó szabályai Magyarországon és az amerikai-magyar adóegyezmény felmondásának hatásai
- The transformation of the waste management system continues, with a compulsory deposit return system (DRS) from 1 January 2024
- On 13 June 2023 , Parliament adopted Act L of 2023 on the Employment of Guest Workers in Hungary
- The opportunities inherent in group taxation – applications for establishing a CIT group can be submitted until 20 November
- Nem sok idő maradt a külföldi áfa-visszatérítési kérelmek benyújtására
- Adó Webinárium - A csoportos adózási lehetőségek előnyei és buktatói a társasági adóban és az áfa rendszerében
- The deadline for submitting refund applications for VAT paid abroad is approaching
- New tax to increase budget revenues: the carbon dioxide (CO2) quota tax
- Savings in the crosshairs: the social contribution tax liability is extended
- The EPR fees have been announced. How will this affect the environmental product charge?
- Megjelent a Mazars 2023-as közép- és kelet-európai adókalauza
- The windfall tax is to remain in effect
- Mazars Central and Eastern European tax guide 2023
- Changes in the rules concerning the reimbursement of commuting expenses
- Bevallás előtt: az adóalap- és kockázatcsökkentés ideje
- The deadline of 31 May for the declaration of CIT, local business tax and innovation contribution for 2022 is approaching
- A gyártói felelősségi díj júliustól él, de már most ad tennivalót
- Tax audits in 2023
- Extended Producer Responsibility scheme to start from 1 July 2023
- Changes in the rules concerning the extra profit taxes
- Tax Webinar- The audit plan of the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) for 2023, the pitfalls of annual tax calculations
- CEE Webinar - Transfer pricing update in the CEE region
- “SZÉP” Card Guide
- Extended producer responsibility fee to be introduced alongside the environmental product charge
- Ezekre az év végi adóhatáridőkre figyeljen!
- What to pay attention to before the end of the year?
- Adó Webinárium - Fókuszban a 2023-as legfontosabb változások
- The autumn tax bill has been submitted
- Alig egy hónap maradt: a cégcsoportok most alapozhatják meg a 2023-as adóévet
- An important change for SZÉP cards: the provisions regarding unused amounts have been changed
- Bízzuk a bevallást a gépekre – a NAV új eÁFA koncepciója
- Choosing to enter into corporate income tax groups until 20 November
- Lehetőségek a NAV online számla adatszolgáltatásban
- The eVAT is on the agenda again
- Holnap jár le a jogvesztő határidő
- Itt az ideje, hogy éljen az adókedvezménnyel
- The focus is on energy efficiency
- Global Minimum Tax
- New KATA Act passed by Parliament
- Megjelent a Mazars 2022-es közép- és kelet- európai adóbrosúrája
- Windfall tax and additional tax increases: the Government Decree is published
- Windfall tax and additional tax increases: waiting for further details
- Mazars Central and Eastern European tax guide 2022
- Közeledik az éves bevallások határideje, mindenre gondolt?
- New rules of teleworking (home office)
- The deadline of 31 May for the declaration of corporate income tax, local business tax for 2021 is approaching
- Tax Webinar- Taxation aspects of providing support and employment for refugees
- A new form of support to assist the employment of Ukrainian refugees
- Ban on the export of cereals: The government decree restricting exports has been promulgated
- Így támogassa munkavállalóját a pandémia alatt
- Tax refund for parents - useful information and tasks after the advance tax credits of 15 February 2022
- Summary for employers about the taxation of Covid related benefits
- The deadline for data submission concerning the building and land tax is approaching!
- Készüljön fel az év végi adóhatáridőkre és változásokra!
- What to pay attention to before the end of the year?
- The 'late' autumn tax package is in front of Parliament
- VAT refunds on irrecoverable debts - The deadline is expiring soon
- Country-by-Country Reporting – notification obligation
- Tax Webinar- The most significant changes in 2022
- This is what the amount of the minimum wage will be in 2022
- Tax refund could be due to foreign expatriates, too
- Hamarosan dönteni kell a csoportos társasági adóalanyiságról
- Register of ultimate beneficial owners "UBO" (ultimate beneficial owner)
- Attention: important deadline! Choosing to enter into corporate income tax groups until 20 November
- The extension of EKAER obligation to construction materials is prolonged until January
- The Government Decree on the detailed rules of the personal income tax refund has been published
- Mazars: jogvesztő határidő közeleg
- The deadline for submitting refund applications for VAT paid abroad is approching
- Mazars Central and Eastern European tax guide 2021
- Extended! SZÉP cards and other tax reliefs
- Meghosszabbodik a koronavírus-járvány miatt a tao-bevallás határideje
- Deadline of corporate income tax – extended or not?
- A társasági adó (tao) adta lehetőségek az adókötelezettség csökkentésére
- Corporate income tax – possibilities for reducing the amount of CIT
- Tax reliefs in the state of emergency – third wave
- Current news concerning the rehabilitation contribution
- Brexit: A new era from 1 January 2021
- Üzleti hangulat koronavírus idején- óvatos optimizmus
- Vocational training contributions from 1 January 2021
- After EKAER, here comes the BIREG system. But what does it mean for the stakeholders?
- SZÉP- kártya adózás 2021
- Cafeteria plan benefits in the first half of 2021
- Előnyére változott az EKÁER- szabályozás
- New EKAER rules from 2021
- Figyeljen a fontos adóhatáridőkre és a változásokra!
- Ideje dönteni a csoportos társasági adóalanyiságról
- Mazars: ha az ingázó Magyarországról dolgozik, itt is kell adóznia
- Mazars: még egy hétig lehet visszaigényelni a külföldi áfát
- Mazars: közeleg az igazság pillanata
- Mire érdemes figyelnünk az év vége előtt?
- What to pay attention to before the end of the year?
- Let’s collect all the information: what will change in taxation from 2021?
- Mazars Tax Webinar- The most significant tax changes in 2021
- New tax breaks and government decrees introduced in connection with the state of emergency
- Autumn tax package submitted to parlament
- The taxation effects of the new system of adult education
- Attention! Important deadline! Choosing to enter into corporate income tax groups until 20 November
- The deadline for submitting refund applications for VAT paid abroad is approaching
- Jó, ha tudjuk, melyek a legfontosabb Tbj. törvény változások
- NAV to audit the use of CIT credit for energy efficiency increasing investments
- Changes in the system of KATA from 2021
- Changes in social security laws – things you should pay attention to in the summer of 2020
- Mazars Central and Eastern European Tax Guide 2020
- Coronavirus - Taxation treatment of donations
- The most recent changes in tax laws
- Corporate income tax return 2019 - What you should pay attention to?
- Társasági adó 2019 - Mire érdemes figyelni?
- Kurzarbeit details
- A vészhelyzet után is maradna a kiskeradó
- Kurzarbeit 2.0- feladták a leckét
- Végre megjelentek az adózási könnyítések
- New retail tax act & the amendment of the CIT act
- COVID 19- Business Guide for Central and Eastern Europe
- Gondolt már arra, hogy ellenőrizze partnerét?
- Kurzarbeit 2.0
- Coronavirus- Details on tax relief measures finally published
- Business partner checking- did you think of the possible risks?
- Additional endangered sectors added
- Special tax on retailers, returned
- Reduced working hours (Kurzarbeit) and state subsidized R&D activities
- Transfer prices in times of coronavirus
- The scope of endangered sector has been expanded
- Deadline for reclaiming VAT on certain bad debts claims expires on 21 April 2020
- Ezt teheti, ha adózási problémái vannak
- Measures of economic protection: here is the second pack
- Here are the first measures of economic protection
- Options in case of temporary tax-related difficulties
- Related party financial transactions
- Increased minimum wage and its effects in 2020
- VAT Consultancy - The VAT treatment of international supplies of goods
- Már elveszettnek hitt pénzhez juthat
- Csoportos biztosítások adózása- Figyelem! A türelmi idő december 31-én lejár!
- Ne feledje a fontos adóhatáridőket!
- The taxation of Group Insurances: The grace period will end soon
- What to pay attention to before the end of the year?
- The country by Country Report related deadlines are approaching
- The autumn tax package has been submitted to the parliament - Amendments expected from 2020
- Attention: Important deadline! Choosing to enter into corporate income tax groups until 20 november
- Fine-tuning in the EU'S VAT system - The mysteries of the "Quick fixes"
- Fontos változások a valós idejű számla-adatszolgáltatásban
- Important changes in real-time data supply
- Szeptember 30-ig lehet visszaigényelni a külföldi áfát
- Import: nem jogosult a teljes speditőrlánc az áfamentességre
- Iskolakezdési támogatás: mit, hogyan és kinek?
- Reklámadó: hogyan tovább?
- The deadline for submitting foreign VAT reclaim requests is approaching
- Services related to imports: narrowing VAT exemption
- Back to school allowance- let's set the record straight
- Advertisement tax: What next?
- Júliustól csökken a szocó, de nem tudni ki jár jól vele
- Jelentős kedvezmények és szigorítások a 2020-as adócsomagban
- Megjelent a Mazars 2019-es Közép- és Kelet- európai adóbrosúrája
- What does the proposed tax package for 2020 bring?
- Mazars Central and Eastern European Tax Guide 2019
- Mazars: Bekeményít a NAV az adóelkerülőkkel szemben
- Indulnak az online számlás NAV ellenőrzések!
- Csoportos adóalanyiság
- Több ezer céget érinthet egy német törvénymódosítás
- Mazars: Sok adózási feladat vár még a cégekre!
- Tax groups in the corporate income tax system - Mazars Tax Newsletter 2018/20
- Major changes in tax from 2019
- It will cost less to lease company cars - Mazars Tax Newsletter 2018/19
- Kedvezmények és szigorítások az őszi adócsomagban
- Autumn bill submitted to Parliament- Mazars Tax Newsletter 2018/18
- How can multinational companies comply with Hungarian accounting rules? - Mazars Tax Newsletter 2018/17
- Jövőre komoly fejtörést okozhatnak az utalványok
- Mazars CEE VAT Alert June 2018
- Taxpayers still have time to find alternative solutions for online invoicing! - Mazars Tax Newsletter 2018/15
- Online invoicing is here: what to do if you are not yet ready? - Mazars Tax Newsletter 2018/14
- The 2019 tax package: in the spirit of simplification? - Mazars Tax Newsletter 2018/13
- Nincs visszaút, júliusban indul az online számlázás!
- Mazars Közép- és Kelet- Európai Adóbrosúra 2018
- Have you already prepared for online invoicing? Part 4 - Mazars Tax Newsletter 2018/12
- Erősödik a nyomás az agresszív adótervezésen
- Érdemes lesz odafigyelni az online számlázásra!
- Ne fizessünk több adót, mint kell!
- Vizsgálat lehet a szűrésből!
- Idén is nyerünk néhány napot az szja- bevallással!
- A külföldieknek nehezebb lesz az online számlázás
- Szigorodtak az adóeljárási határidők
- Do not forget to submit a declaration on the unpaid advertising tax - Tax Newsletter 2018/11
- Have you already prepared for online invoicing?- 3. part- Tax newsletter 2018/ 10
- BEPS – yet another substantial international step to counter aggressive tax planning - Tax Newsletter 2018/9
- The income minimum rule – should we always use it? - Tax Newsletter 2018/8
- The tax exemption of screening tests in the framework of insurance – the Tax Authority recommends caution - Tax Newsletter 2018/7
- Have you already prepared for online invoicing? 2. part- Tax Newsletter 2018/5
- Have you already prepared for online invoicing?- Tax Newsletter 2018/4
- The increasing significance of observing deadlines in tax procedures - Tax Newsletter 2018/3
- Company portal, client portal, epaper: e-administration became mandatory from 2018 - Mazars Tax Newsletter 2018/2
- A bank account abroad - Tax Newsletter 2018/1
- 2018 tax package approved by Parliament - Mazars Tax Newsletter 2017/24
- Social charge reduction could be higher next year than expected! - Mazars Tax Newsletter 2017/22
- Tax Trends 2018- New directions in tax and transfer- pricing
- Mazars: Behajtási engedélyt kap a NAV!
- Mandatory “company portal” registration: who must do it, by what time, and how? - Mazars Tax Newsletter 2017/19
- The general rules of taxation may become easier to understand - Mazars Tax Newsletter 2017/18
- The public charges payable by several foreign companies may increase - Mazars Tax Newsletter 2017/17
- Tisztázódtak az új típusú társasági adókedvezmény részletei
- Excise duty – possible exemption in case of own-purpose use of lubricant oils – Mazars Tax Newsletter 2017/16
- Clarified details of the new type of corporate income tax allowance- Mazars Tax Newsletter 2017/15
- Egy év haladék a valós idejű számlajelentésre
- Real time data providing - Mazars Tax Newsletter 2017/14
- Mazars: Tavaszi adócsomag 2017
- Tax package for 2018 announced - Tax Newsletter 2017/12
- Advertising tax - Mazars Tax Newsletter 2017/11
- Spring tax package - Mazars Tax Newsletter 2017/9
- Jön a Brexit, készüljön készpénzzel!
- Advertising tax - Mazars Tax Newsletter 2017/6
- Mazars: még szerdáig üzenhet a NAV-nak!
- Március 15. Bevallási tervezet, Adóhírlevél 2017/4
- EKAER risk guarantee - Mazars Tax News 2017/3
- Termékdíj határidő - Mazars Adóhírlevél 2017/2
- Környezetvédelmi termékdíj
- Mazars: Készpénzt a cafeteriából!
- Mazars: karácsony előtt rendezze cége adóügyeit!