Mandatory “company portal” registration: who must do it, by what time, and how? - Mazars Tax Newsletter 2017/19

From 1 January 2018, the so-called “cégkapu” (approximately, “company portal") service, will be launched, which is the equivalent of the already well-known “Ügyfélkapu” (appr. “client portal”, the government gateway for individuals), but aimed at businesses.

The new system is being introduced in order to ensure direct, electronic communication between economic associations and the state. The great significance of this change is inherent in the fact that from next year, economic associations will be required to maintain contact with the state using electronic channels. This means that after 1 January 2018, the entities concerned may submit documents in official matters only through the company portal, and the authorities will also use this as the channel of communication with companies. The official contact information required for this will also have to appear in the data recorded in the company register.


Tax Newsletter 2017/19

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