Additional endangered sectors added

In case of activities declared as “endangered sectors” due to the COVID-19 pandemic, relief is provided for the businesses concerned as well as their employees from the payment of the social contribution, individual contributions, the vocational training contribution, as well as the rehabilitation contribution.

In case of activities declared as “endangered sectors” due to the COVID-19 pandemic, relief is provided for the businesses concerned as well as their employees from the payment of the social contribution, individual contributions, the vocational training contribution, as well as the rehabilitation contribution. In our earlier newsletter we offered detailed information on the relief associated with the abovementioned taxes and contributions. In the middle of April 10 more items were added to the list endangered sectors, resulting in a total of 24 activities listed by the law. Companies pursuing these as their principal activities are eligible to the relief.

To read the whole newsletter below.


Tax Newsletter 2020/13.

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