Tax law changes in 2023-2024- Part 3 - Changes to VAT and excise duty introduced by the summer and autumn tax packages

The law comprising the summer tax package was published in the Hungarian Gazette on 14 July 2023, while the law comprising the autumn tax package was published on 30 November 2023 by the Act LXXXIII of 2023 on the amendment of certain tax laws (hereinafter: ’Amendment Act’). In the third part of our newsletter series summarising the most important changes to tax law, we hereby present the changes to VAT and excise duty as well as to the related tax procedure regulations.

The most important tax law changes will be summarized in our series of newsletters, the third edition of which can be read below.

In our newsletter, we cover the following topics in detail:

  • VAT and the related tax procedure rules
  • Excise duty

To read the whole newsletter, please click below:


Tax Newsletter 2023/19.

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