Valuation services

Whether it's establishing the value of a company or a business, determining the value of assets or preparing a business plan, Forvis Mazars valuation services credibly support our clients in achieving their goals.

The science of valuation is controversial and, at times, subjective. The key to a successful valuation is an adviser who is knowledgeable, independent and objective and, at the same time, listens to your concerns. The experts at Forvis Mazars provide objective and independent valuations. We analyse the complex factors that impact the value of a complete business or a business unit to produce a fair and considered valuation. Depending on your needs, our valuation services often combine the skills and experience of many disciplines within the firm.

Company and business unit valuation

  • Determination of goodwill for acquisition purposes
  • Valuation services for transfer pricing and tax purposes
  • Valuation related to share-based payments

Business modelling

  • Understanding of the business models underlying the business plan
  • Business plan review or audit

Asset valuation

  • Valuation of tangible assets
  • Valuation of intangible assets (e.g. contract value, licenses)
  • Purchase price allocation and determination of goodwill

If you have any question, please, contact our experts.


Valuation services

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