Mazars Tax Webinar- The most significant tax changes in 2021

Online tax conference with the participation of Mazars' tax experts on 10th of December. Join the conference and know the most important tax changes of 2021!


Introduction (Dániel H. Nagy, Head of Tax and Legal Services, Mazars Kft.- 5 min.)

The most important changes concerning Value-added tax (VAT) (Kinga Palotai, Ministry of Finance, 40 min.) 

  • The rules applicable to distance selling (e-commerce) and services provided for customers who are not tax subjects from July 2021
  • Recent changes concerning the online invoice data disclosure obligation
  • Possibilities after NAV 3.0 (e-invoicing, draft tax return)
  • The reintroduction of 5% VAT for new residential properties
  • Irrecoverable claims
  • Special cases of VAT refunding
  • What will Brexit bring in indirect taxation?

Changes concerning corporate income tax and small business tax (30 min.)

Corporate income tax (Dániel H. Nagy)

  • Changes affecting the rules for avoiding double taxation, cases giving rise to permanent establishments
  • Changes in adjustment items: development reserve, changes in recognized costs, unpaid dividends, irrecoverable claims owed by affiliates
  • Changes in tax allowances

Small business tax (Zsolt Birgány, Tax Manager, Tax and Legal Services, Mazars Kft.)

  • Changes in entry conditions, thresholds of eligibility
  • Reduction of the tax rate from 2021
  • Current issues of related to switching over/back to corporate income tax

Current challenges in transfer pricing (20 min.)

  • The appearance of transfer price corrections in the local business tax and innovation contribution (Dénes Baranyai, Senior Transfer Pricing Manager, Tax and Legal Services, Mazars Kft.)
  • What is worth doing as a low-risk company at the end of the year given the current (COVID) situation? (Gabriella Nagy, Head of International Transfer Pricing Center, Mazars Kft.)

Further changes worth paying attention to (Dániel H. Nagy, 10 min.)

  • Cafeteria benefits, EKAER, local business tax, etc.

Important notes:

  • The conference is free, but registration is needed.
  • The conference is in Hungarian.
  • The connection link will all the necessary information will be sent on 9 December, Wednesday by mail.
  • Send your questions until 8 December, 17.00 pn, by this e-mail address:  
  • During the conference you can use the chat function for questions. 
  • The registration link is personalised. If your colleagues want to participate on the conference, please note on the registration form. In case of unsuccessful registration, please contact us on the following address:

Mazars Tax Webinar

Thursday, 10th December 2020, Between 9.30- 11.30 CET

Application deadline: 8th December 2020, 17.00 pm



Kinga Palotai, Head of VAT Department, Ministry of Finance

Dániel H. Nagy, Head of Tax and Legal Services, Mazars Kft.

Gabriella Nagy, Head of Transfer Pricing Center, Mazars Kft.

Dénes Baranyai, Senior Transfer Pricing Manager Mazars Kft.

Zsolt Birgány, Tax Manager, Mazars Kft.

If you want to participate on the webinar, please contact us by phone or by mail:

Eszter Rozgonyi, Marketing and communication manager,,  06 20 772 10 26

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