The extension of EKAER obligation to construction materials is prolonged until January

In line with the amendment of Government Decree 402/2021 (VII. 8), the July extension of EKAER obligation to construction products has been prolonged until January due to the ongoing COVID pandemic situation.

The Government Decree 402/2021 (VII. 8.) (“Government Decree”) published in the Hungarian Gazette on 8 July 2021 introduced a significant but temporary change, according to which, - in order to restart the economy -, the export of raw materials and products of strategic importance for the security of supply in the construction industry became subject to EKAER declaration until 30 September 2021 (until the expiry of Act I of 2021 on the protection against the coronavirus pandemic).

Considering that the temporal scope of the referred Act has been amended to 1 January 2022, the Government Decree’s period of application has been prolonged as well, with an obligatory notification period extended to 3 January 2022.

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Tax Newsletter 2021/17

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