The scope of endangered sector has been expanded

On the basis of the special legal order introduced due to the COVID_19 coronavirus pandemic, on 23 March 2020, the Government of Hungary adopted new measures by way of a government decree, the aim of which is the alleviation of the economic impacts of the pandemic.

Some new sectors have now been added to those exempted from certain taxes and contributions.

Under the new rules, the tax relief is now extended to businesses engaged in the following as their principal activities:

  • travel agency, tour operator and other reservation service (TEÁOR and TESZOR 79),
  • inland passenger water transport operation (TEÁOR and TESZOR 50.30),
  • services aimed at improving physical well-being (TEÁOR and TESZOR 96.04). Businesses pursuing the above activity are subject to the exemption if they satisfy the requirements of the ministerial decree on the public health requirements of establishing and operating a public bath.

To read the whole newsletter, please click below:


Tax Newsletter 2020/10.

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