Business partner checking- did you think of the possible risks?

In the life of a company, it is essential that business partners should be properly selected. Please check the possible risks in Mazars' tax newsletter.

In the current situation, from the point of view of solvency, it is especially important to check prospective customers; furthermore, due circumspection has particular significance in the case of reclaiming the VAT on bad debts. From a taxation point of view, however, it was mainly the monitoring of suppliers that have come into the focus. After receiving offers, when evaluating prices and options, one should not forget about customer due diligence with respect to potential partners, either. At first sight, this may appear as an additional administrative burden, but the lack of due diligence can sometimes result in significant risks or even fines in the life of a company. In the following, we would like to call your attention to the importance of business partner checking, and will also present the possible methods and criteria of evaluation.   

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Tax Newsletter 2020/15.

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