A new form of support to assist the employment of Ukrainian refugees

On 10 March 2022, Government Decree No 96/2022 (III. 10.) on support for the employment of persons with Ukrainian citizenship arriving from the territory of Ukraine was published in the Hungarian Official Gazette. In our newsletter, we briefly describe the main rules and conditions of the support.

The opportunity provided by the Government Decree simultaneously supports the employment of refugees from Ukraine in Hungary, thereby alleviating their difficulties, as well as encouraging Hungarian enterprises to employ refugees. We recommend Companies already struggling with labor market shortages to study the legislation and take advantage of the potential opportunities of the support.

The subsidy may be used specifically to cover the costs of accommodation and commuting for workers with Ukrainian or Ukrainian-Hungarian dual citizenship and their children. It is a condition that the employer employs the employee on or after 24 February 2022, for a fixed or indefinite period in Hungary, for at least twenty hours a week. The period of the subsidy is a maximum of one year which can be extended for another year. The monthly amount of the subsidy per employee is 50% of the costs of accommodation and commuting, to a maximum of 60k HUF and an additional 12k HUF per child for children living in the common household.

To read the whole newsletter below: 


Tax Newsletter 2022/06.

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