Coronavirus - Taxation treatment of donations

The Government has submitted the bill on ending the state of alarm, the debate of which in Parliament has already started. This means that the state of alarm due to COVID-19 will soon come to an end; however, the taxation consequences must still be reckoned with in many cases.

The Government has submitted the bill on ending the state of alarm, the debate of which in Parliament has already started. This means that the state of alarm due to COVID-19 will soon come to an end; however, the taxation consequences must still be reckoned with in many cases. Such a question is, for example, the taxation treatment of donations and other benefits provided during the state of alarm, since many individuals and entities have contributed to the struggle against the virus and donated equipment and other items to those in need, as well as to persons participating in the efforts against the pandemic. Tax liabilities after free donations may arise in various forms of tax; however, during the state of alarm, such donations may even be tax free.

To read the whole newsletter below.


Tax Newsletter 2020/23.

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