Spring tax package - Mazars Tax Newsletter 2017/9

It has been a trend for a number of years that in the spring the financial administration presents a “package” of amendments to the tax laws to be introduced in the following year. This year is no exception: on 2 May 2017, the latest omnibus tax bill (proposed act no. T/15428) was submitted to the Parliament.

This year’s package is relatively voluminous, as it consists of more than 230 sections and affects over two dozen tax laws to a smaller or larger extent.

The review of the proposed bill, however, clearly reveals that the drafters of the bill exercised a certain degree of self-restraint. It would appear that no larger-scale tax overhauls of the tax regime are to be expected before the general elections. Accordingly, the amendment package submitted does not impose any significant new obligations; instead, most changes are designed to offer remedies to several smaller problems emerging in practice. These clarifications and “technical adjustments” are indeed necessary in the interest of clarity in the application of the laws.

In the following, we will highlight the most important new or amended provisions. It should be emphasised, however, that currently these are only proposed changes.


Tax Newsletter 2017/9

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