Have you already prepared for online invoicing?- Tax Newsletter 2018/4

There are less than 5 months left until the start of the real-time data supply obligation! Mazars has launched a series of newsletters to inform its clients concerning the latest developments and the most important rules of the real-time data supply. We hope that you will find this information helpful in your preparation for online invoicing.

Companies using domestic invoicing software are in most cases prepared and they await the launch of the data supply obligation in July, or at least their Hungarian developers have promised to carry out the necessary changes by then. At the same time, businesses that use software developed abroad often have not even started the preparation phase. In the case of such invoicing software, it is a frequent problem that their foreign developers do not understand the Hungarian requirements or the development expectations.

A new website set up by the Hungarian Tax and Customs Authority (NAV) is designed to assist such foreign programmers, as the description of the system, the details of the applicable legal provisions and – last, but not least – the technical information (Online Invoice System Interface Specification, OSA schemes, sample XMLs, etc.) can be found there in English, explaining the necessary development steps in the language of programmers. These technical documents can be found under the menu item “Technical Information”. Furthermore, in addition to the documentation, there is a technical Q&A, which will also help in answering certain, technical-type questions.

The website, which is also available in English, can be accessed at the following link:


Even though the website only operates in a test mode as yet, it is very helpful for foreign software developers.

If you have any questions concerning the rules of online invoicing or if you need technical assistance in the course of the development phase, your Mazars contact will be pleased to help you.

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