Mazars launches The Next CFO, a web TV that explores the future of corporate finance departments
Mazars is launching the first web television for CFOs, by CFOs. Mazars’ customers, rather than its brand or services, are at the heart of stories featured on the web TV. Seven original programmes paint a portrait of the Chief Financial Officer of tomorrow through candid interviews and debates from the profession’s key players. This new media comes at a time of major transformation for both companies and their business models.
By 2020, close to 40% of accounting transactions could be performed by machines, which would completely upend the finance department’s traditional tasks. The first episodes of The Next CFO’s programmes demonstrate the main themes of this profound shift: change management, technological disruption, the need to recruit unconventional profiles, the importance of continuous learning, international and intercultural communication and deeper interactions with the other corporate functions.
“Mazars, with its presence in 86 countries and reputation as a trusted partner of CFOs, is well-placed to observe and anticipate the coming developments in the finance profession. These evolutions are at once technical, strategic, complex and essential. The main aim of most web television channels is to promote their sponsor. In keeping with our position as an influential challenger in the audit industry, we thought it would be more useful to create a unique space for open expression and honest discourse. The Next CFO hopes to make an original and contemporary contribution to the discussion on the future of the CFO”, explains Laurent Choain, Chief People & Communication Officer at Mazars.
Behind the scenes of The Next CFO
The video streaming platform for financial decision-makers is available at www.thenextcfo.tv. It currently offers seven original programmes in English and new episodes will be released regularly.
- CFO vs CXO – The inner workings of the C-suite like you've never seen before. A CFO and another top executive explain how to build constructive relationships.
- How do you spend it? – How do CFOs spend their time, energy, money, or brainpower? Each episode features a CFO with a passion and a vision of what it takes to become the Next CFO.
- Career Paths – CFOs with remarkable, emblematic or unconventional backgrounds are put in the hot seat for a round of rapid fire career advice.
- FinQuake – What technologies are set to shake up finance? FinQuake looks at how CFOs can hold up under pressure.
- The Professor – In MOOC-style videos, professors from leading universities decipher the latest developments in finance.
- CFO, 10 years later – Former CFOs give candid feedback on the most formative experiences of their careers.
- Forensic Investigation – Expert advice for defusing complex threats within large companies.
Its diversity of speakers, international reach and innovative approach make The Next CFO a truly unique media. It is designed to be a platform for discussion, reflection, and executive education for CFOs and future CFOs.
Marie Coudié – Head of International Brand Communication – +33 1 49 97 46 70 - marie.coudie@mazars.com
Elizabeth Husson – International Communication Officer – +33 1 49 97 63 37 - elizabeth.husson@mazars.com
OPRG Agency
Laure de Chastellux – +33 1 53 32 55 78 – laure.dechastellux@omnicomprgroup.com