14.3. workshop: Resilience & energy management: the energy crisis also affects your soul

Join the workshop, where the leadership and resilience expert Zuzana Čmelíková will introduce you to the concept of energy management and help you set up useful habits in the four pillars of resilience.

We live in times that our generations cannot compare to any other. Every day brings us new challenges and problems. Often we have to make decisions with a lack of information and under pressure. The latest research shows that up to 34% of people in Slovakia experience anxiety and long-term stress as a result of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine. In such critical situations, it is extremely important to work on increasing personal, team and organizational resilience, psychological resistance and engagement.

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What to do?

In our workshop, we shall present you with a method of building personal resilience. The goal is to constantly work on developing and setting your desired micro-resilient habits in the physical, mental, emotional and value pillar of resilience through creating a habit.

The workshop agenda will also include a group activity, through which, as an added value, you will take away a valuable approach to how to create and set up your own energy management. Proper energy management can take care of your sustainable, optimal performance and well-being both in your work and personal life.


14th March 2023 from 9:00 until 11:00 CET

Price: 59 EUR excl. VAT

The interactive workshop will take place in the Slovak language via MS Teams platform. You will receive the connection link in your e-mail no later than the day before the webinar. By registering, you undertake to pay a registration fee of 59 euros excluding VAT. The invoice will be sent to you after the webinar.

The capacity of the online event is limited due to the specific concept of the topic and the character of the workshop. Mazars reserves the right to refuse the registration of participants from other consulting firms.

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Who will lead you through the workshop

PhDr. Zuzana Čmelíková, PhD. spent several years developing her experience, skills and career in the USA. She published a book on leadership and organizational ethics, which is recommended as a study material for university students and as a guide for professionals. Zuzana deals with diagnosis and change of organizational culture, identification, clarification and training of corporate values, resilience, leadership development and soft-skills training.

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