State approved the remission of the insurance premium payment for April 2020

The draft amendment to the Social Insurance Act was approved by the Government and approved by the Parliament.

The full text of the approved law can be found on this - LINK

State approved the remission of the insurance premium payment for April 2020 

  • The remission of levies concerns only the employers, who pay them themselves (35.2% from the employees´ assessment base). There is no remission for employees (13.4%). The employer is obliged to continue to pay insurance premiums for employees in the original due dates. 
  • The remission will apply to those, who were closed down in April 2020 due to the decision made by the crisis staff, for at least 15 days. 
  • Employers shall provide the closure of the business by the solemn declaration, which they should submit to the Social Insurance Agency no later than the eighth day of the month following the month for which they are not obliged to pay insurance premiums. For April it will be no later than 11.05.2020 (08.05.2020 is a public holiday).
  • Remission of the insurance premiums will not affect entitlement to sickness or pension benefits. 
  • Those, who pay contributions in the repayment form or who were unable to pay the premiums for February 2020 due to a decline in sales, will also be able to apply for a remission of the insurance premium payments. 

The Social Insurance Agency warns that the employers and self-employed shoud not yet send affidavits for the remission of the contribution for April 2020. 

The government will be able to determine the next period for which employers and self-employed persons, who will not have to pay insurance premiums. 

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