Changes in application deadlines

We bring you the changes in the application deadlines for the April and May. More information can be found at

Applications and statements under measures 1 and 3 (3A, 3B) for the month of April can be sent no later than 30 June 2020.


  1. Employers and self-employed, who repeatedly apply for help under the same measure in May
    • only send the completed report to the relevant labour office. In measure no. 4, the statement is not submitted.
    • the number of the agreement with The Labour, Social Affairs and Family Office of SR must be stated in the statement.
  2. Employers and self-employed, who opt for different measure than in the previous months or are asking for help for the first time
    • send the application and the completed statement for May to the relevant labor office. In measure no. 4, the statement is not submitted.
    • if you have already applied for a contribution under the measure 3A, it is not possible to apply for a contribution under measure 3B in May and vice versa.
    • when applying, follow the instructions given in the published documents.


When deciding between th measures 1 and 3 for May, the decisive factor is whether your operation has been compulsorily closed for the most of the month. Therefore, if you were able to open on 6 May 2020, you are choosing the measure 3. If you were able to open until 20 May 2020, you can still use the measure 1.

Reports, resp. You can send new applications with statements under measure 2 for the month of May no later than 30 June 2020.

Applications and statements under the measures 1 and 3 (3A, 3B) for the month of May can be sent no later than 31 July 2020.

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