Estudos e Pesquisas

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Cyber security: Is your safety net strong enough?

Cyber threats are all around us. This is not paranoia, it’s an unfortunate reality: every day brings new hacks, new data leaks, new embarrassment – and new costs, both financial and commercial. Nobody is spared. The attacks target companies large and small, as well as public-sector institutions and individuals. How can organisations protect themselves?

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Time for action: Barómetro Mazars C-suite

No final de 2021, o nosso barómetro C-suite mostrou que as empresas estavam a emergir da pandemia com confiança e resiliência. Estavam confiantes na sua capacidade de responder às tendências futuras, esperando transformar os seus negócios e a planear investir. Os critérios ESG ocupam agora um lugar firme na agenda dos C-suite e as empresas estão a assumir compromissos públicos numa série de tópicos relacionados com ESG. Mas estarão as empresas prontas para colocar em prática as suas estratégias?

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Chinese consumers in 2021: how priorities in lifestyle consumption are changing

China’s consumer market, second only to the US, is key to both domestic and international brands. While the buying behaviours of consumers in China have been well-documented, more recent shifts in consumer preferences in the wake of Covid-19 are less well-known. Our new study ‘Chinese consumers in 2021: how priorities in lifestyle consumption are changing’ seeks to investigate trends in buying behaviour that show a shift away from material goods towards more experiential spending.

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Investing in CEE: Inbound M&A report 2021/2022

Despite concerns about Covid-19, resurgent inflation and rising energy prices, 2021 saw robust dealmaking across the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) region. CEE’s diverse markets and abundant targets are increasingly attractive to both domestic and inbound investors. This publication offers an overview of inbound M&A activity in the CEE region throughout 2021, and looks ahead to the opportunities and challenges in the coming months.

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Responsible banking practices: benchmark study 2021

Financial institutions increasingly recognise that climate change and other environmental, social and corporate governance risks jeopardise the world’s economy and financial system.

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Investir na Europa Central e de Leste: Inbound M&A report 2020/2021

Apesar dos desafios causados pela pandemia Covid-19, as fusões e aquisições na Europa Central e de Leste mantiveram-se sólidas em 2020. Graças às suas bases sólidas, a região da Europa Central e de Leste (ECL) continuou a atrair investimentos internacionais, apresentando resultados positivos em comparação com outros mercados emergentes. Este estudo oferece uma visão geral da atividade de M&A de inbound na região ECL ao longo de 2020 e olha para as oportunidades e desafios dos próximos meses.

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Covid-19 and the world of private equity: Optimism in an uncertain environment

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, we have surveyed private equity firms and investors to understand the challenges, level of optimism and response strategies.

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Responsible banking practices: benchmark study 2021

Up against great economic and societal upheaval as a result of Covid-19, banks around the world continue to take sustainability seriously and firmly acknowledge the related risks and opportunities, for the market and wider stakeholders alike. For the second year running, Mazars publishes its responsible banking practices report to assess how banks embed sustainability into their commercial practices.

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The future of audit: market view – myths, realities and ways forward

The audit profession faces a decisive moment: market expectations are shifting, technology is empowering auditors and strengthening quality, the case for audit’s evolution is growing and a series of headline corporate failures have raised questions about the quality of service companies can expect.

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Mazars 2020 C-suite barometer

In the midst of a global pandemic, a majority of business leaders still expected growth in 2021. What else do they see on the horizon?

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