European Audit Reform

Launched in 2010, the legislative process of the European Audit Reform reached an end as the new Regulation and the amended Directive were voted in by the European Parliament on April 3rd, 2014.This reform was adopted after an intense and fruitful debate between all interested stakeholders and market players applying different legislations and market practices.

A Guide to Joint Audit

There is now unanimous agreement that the overwhelming dominance of just four firms in the global audit market is unsustainable and that reform is required to go from “four to more”. Unfortunately, and even though it is still in its early stages, there are clear signs already that the 2014 EU Audit Regulation and other interlinked initiatives are not going to achieve their desired objectives of reducing market concentration, increasing competition and improving audit quality.

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Creating a Vibrant Audit Market for Public Interest Entities

There is an urgent need around the world for reform of the audit market for listed companies and other Public Interest Entities (PIEs) to enable it to serve properly the needs of shareholders, other stakeholders and wider society. Key concerns relate to the interlinked areas of audit quality, unduly high concentration, inherent conflicts of interest and relevance.

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O primeiro ano da Reforma Europeia de Auditoria em Portugal

Ao contrário de dez países da União Europeia, Portugal não acolheu a opção de auditoria conjunta, uma prática encorajada pelo próprio regulamento europeu.

Em entrevista ao Expresso, José Rebouta, partner da Mazars, faz um balanço do primeiro ano da Reforma Europeia de Auditoria em Portugal.

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O mercado tem de compreender e valorizar a auditoria

Para a Mazars, a nova legislação deveria dar um incentivo claro à auditoria conjunta, mecanismo que, segundo o partner José Rebouta, é o único que, entre outras vantagens, permite a entrada de novos players no mercado, estimula a concorrência e mitiga os riscos que possam existir.

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Auditoria conjunta reforçaria a concorrência no sector

Em entrevista ao Económico, o 'Managing Partner' da Mazars em Portugal defende que as novas regras da auditoria reforçam a concorrência e a transparência no sector. Mas lamenta que a regra da auditoria conjunta por duas firmas tenha caído face ao projecto original.

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Joint Audit Demystified

This document outlines the main benefits of Joint Audit.

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Guidebook to the European Audit Reform

This Guidebook is intended to make the European Audit Reform more accessible to you by helping you understand the main changes in the Directive and Regulation.

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What you need to know about Joint Audit

The European Audit Reform has been adopted by the co-legislators of the European Union and is expected to become effective by mid-2016. As professionals with significant experience working within this system, we would like to present you with a guide that explains the main features of Joint Audit, its application and its associated benefits.

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Mazars welcomes the European Audit Reform

Philippe Castagnac, CEO of the Mazars Group, explains that The EU audit market will evolve in a deep-reaching way.

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