Estudos e Pesquisas

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Financial reporting of European banks: benchmark study 2024

Does the perceived reduction in risk amongst European banks hint at early signs of optimism for the sector? Throughout 2023, we observed a global economic slowdown, ongoing geopolitical tensions, and the rapid rise of new technologies. As we analyse the year-end results of the 26 largest banks in Europe, what do these figures reveal about expected credit losses and how these institutions manage persistent uncertainties in the banking landscape?

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Forvis Mazars for good: Sustainability report 2023

Our history at Forvis Mazars is one of sustainable and inclusive growth. This is why, for the fifth consecutive year, we are proud to release our 2023 Sustainability report, which reflects our core values and shares publicly our commitment in action. As a responsible firm, we have ensured that the information disclosed is transparent, comprehensive and consistent, supported by non-financial metrics that exhibit a faithful representation of our performance across our material sustainability topics.

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Mazars C-suite barometer: outlook 2024

Our annual C-suite barometer gathers the views of leading executives from all over the world. With insights from around 800 executives across 30 countries, we uncover the strategic priorities on the C-suite’s agenda and the market trends and transformations expected to impact businesses in the years ahead. Our latest study reveals that 2024 is set to be a bounce forward year: a year of increasing investments to transform businesses and support growth ambitions.

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Financial reporting of European banks: benchmark study 2023

How are Expected Credit Losses of European banks impacted by increasingly common unprecedented events?

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Financial reporting of European banks: benchmark study 2023

How are Expected Credit Losses of European banks impacted by increasingly common unprecedented events?

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Financial reporting of European banks: benchmark study 2023

How are Expected Credit Losses of European banks impacted by increasingly common unprecedented events?

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Bold leadership for a sustainable future: Mazars C-suite barometer 2023

Our latest C-suite barometer shows that, while recognising the significant challenges of the past year, including inflation and economic instability, high energy prices, war and geopolitical tensions, leaders have a fighting spirit and positive outlook for 2023. Technology and sustainability stand out as their top two strategic priorities for the coming three to five years, with the C-suite investing in these areas to ensure their business is fit for tomorrow.

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Investing in CEE: Inbound M&A report 2022/2023

The beginning of 2022 signalled to what was to be a turbulent year for both European and global market, as Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February. Trends that were already in play in 2021, rising inflation and higher borrowing costs, were greatly amplified. The war unleashed supply shocks, notably in the wholesale gas market.

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How advanced are you on your sustainability journey?

As environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues rise in global importance and increasingly dominate the business narrative, the Mazars report ESG: Where are you on the journey? sets out choices and pathways for companies of all sizes and sectors as they look to embark on the transition to a more sustainable business model.

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Report: Myths and barriers preventing the progression of women

The benefits of diversity no longer need to be proven. However, it is clear that gender inequalities persist, particularly in executive committees and among CEOs.

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