
At Forvis Mazars, we inform you about the recent developments and rules and regulations that can have impact on you or your organisation. Would you like to minimise your risks and maximise your opportunities? We have listed several noteworthy news items that can be of use to you.

Technology companies and the new working world

21 April 2020 - How we live and work has seemingly changed overnight. With much of the world in lockdown, people and businesses are turning to technology to keep them going, whether it’s the surge in video chats, trials of app-based medical advice or growing interest in online food delivery kits.

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Immediate insight into the impact of the coronavirus on your company's cash flow

Due to the effects of the coronavirus, a lot has changed in a short period of time. It is essential for your business operations to gain a simple and quick insight into the impact of various scenarios on your liquidity (consider clients paying later, paying suppliers later , deferred payment to suppliers, deferred bank repayments, deferred repayments from other lenders, shareholders making additional payments, deferred payments, the impact of NOW).

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Formation of structural surpluses leads to tax liability

10 April 2020 – Foundations and associations are more and more faced with the corporate tax liability. They often become taxable in case of the formation of structural surpluses.

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OECD recommendations for taxation of cross border employees during COVID-19

Recently published recommendations from the OECD advise on how to treat cross border employees during the Covid-19 pandemic under the application of bilateral tax treaties.

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The tax benefits of supporting charities

6 April 2020 – When you are planning to donate to charities, it is good to know that under certain conditions such a donation can provide a tax benefit. That is the case when the charity of your choice by the Tax Authorities is marked as a Public Benefit Organisation (ANBI).

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The deployment of a virtual employee for TOZO requests

Self-employed entrepreneurs who are in financial difficulties due to the coronacrisis can go to their municipality and request for a Temporary bridging scheme for self-employed entrepreneurs (Tijdelijke overbruggingsregeling zelfstandig ondernemers – Tozo). Municipalities are expecting a big number of applications and are therefore searching for ways to deal with this. The use of virtual employees can offer a solution.

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The coronacrisis and the measures for the cultural sector

2 April 2020 – The Dutch Cabinet announced drastic measures to contain the effects of the coronavirus. As a result of these measures meetings are prohibited for cultural institutions and public locations like museums, concert halls and theatres.

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Staying connected despite the corona crisis: IT is the vital link

Businesses around the world right now are counting themselves lucky for having built up resilient, effective IT infrastructure over recent years. It is the vital link for work and social activities in these exceptional times of crisis.

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Q&A Coronavirus and human resources issues

We all have to deal with the social and economic consequences of the coronavirus. After the shutdown of the schools earlier this week, on 17 March 2020 the Dutch government came up with a substantial emergency package for organisations and their employees. We receive a lot of questions from our clients, in which we would like to support you as much as possible.

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